22 February 2022

My Intellectual Shift From Being Creative-Critical To Creative-Cheerful, Now Dedicated To Communication For Regenerative Agriculture

Since 16 April 1975, the first day I worked for the Forest Research Institute and on to become founder & Editor in Chief of its 3 major publications – monthly newsletter Canopy, quarterly technical journal Sylvatrop, and quarterly popular magazine Habitat – in the last 47 years up to 11 days ago as I write this, 10 Feb 2022, I have been simultaneously creative & critical; that is, if I disagreed with you, I would point out your error in logic – that wasn’t very nice, was it? What took me so long?!

How creative-critical has Frank A Hilario been? In the Dec 1980 issue of Habitat, I came up with an original theoretical paper titled “Development, The Eternal Spiral Staircase” (16 pages, 93-108), with which I presented a new theory I called Communication for Development (ComDev). Though I did not directly state it, this was clearly in opposition to the prevailing Development Communication (DevCom) paradigm of the UP College of Agriculture (now UP Los Baños) – obvious in the acronyms. I could have come up with another name and acronym to avoid what looked like an insult. [Thankfully, I have come up with the new concept-term Communication for Village Development 2021 (CoViD21); see my essay, “Regenerative Thinking… Regenerative Agriculture In The Philippines,” 26 Nov 2021, Primate Change, blogspot.com]. Meaning, I rethought my creative-critical self only 2+ months ago. But never too late to be nicer – and bigger!

More than 1 week ago, 11 Feb 2022, I created this new blog, For A (Happier) Philippines! (blogspot.com) where you find this essay, to remind me always to be of cheer even in the midst of uncertainty or displeasure. Thus, I will remain creative, unwelcome my own criticism, and welcome cheerfulness in saying something about anything.

Note the image above; the date is “17 September” and when I checked my image files, the year was 2019 – it was one of the many images accidentally collaged by my Windows 10. Why is that date important? It’s the birthday of this Virgo.

Everything is turning up roses!

Note also the time: 3:13, or 13 minutes after 3 in the morning – I took that photograph so, yes, I usually work very late at night and wake up very early. (I set my Windows 10 to military style of telling time of 24 hours, 0-24, midnight to midnight; if it were 3:13 PM, it would have instead said the time was “15:13.” I am meticulous– that is one of the characteristics of a Virgo. (And yes, Angel Numbers says “313” means “that your life has the potential to be better. You need to boost your self-esteem” – Erica Jensen, Ipublishing.co.in.)

So, from now on, with a symbolic 3-leaf green seedling on hand, I will offer mostly happy choices, mostly on the broad subject of what is now known as Regenerative Agriculture – with emphasis on Organic Farming.

And oh yes, I sometimes talk politics, but I always make sure I do it to promote agriculture. For a Happier Philippines – via a Happier Organic Agriculture!@517

05 February 2022

Do You Know How To Argue Admirably? Here Is An Enlightening Exchange On Facebook Involving Ilocanos: Me & BBM

Fair Warning: I was born a “pilosopo” – wise guy, wisenheimer, smart alec, walking encyclopedia – and that came out in high school. And in college, I received a perfect grade of 1.0 from my UPCA (now UP Los Baños) professor in Western Thought, Mr Bituin.

Now comes this Facebook exchange (shortened), beginning with the text in above image:

Jim Leandro: There will be people who take arguments out of context and exaggerate it. Haha. Basta sure ako, di nakatapos ng degree Si #Cheetahmad kahit may resources… siya ng bansa. Weak.

Jim Leandro denies Bongbong Marcos (BBM) finished a degree even with resources at his father’s command (President Ferdinand Marcos). Actually, that is not the beginning of this exchange; Jim Leandro and Dave Manalo had earlier written on Facebook against BBM and I felt that they were unkind. So:

Frank A Hilario: Why do you love adding insult to injury, guys?

Jim Leandro: Merely stating facts. If he (were) running for Mayor, I wouldn't care. But he's running for the highest position in the land. There is a weight of responsibility (in) that position. For him not to finish his studies with the resources of the country at his disposal IS AN INSULT to the country.

Dave Manalo: The intention is to inform using the truth, not to insult. The truth will set people free. The truth may be an insult to loyalists.

FAH: Why don't you, Jim and Dave, talk instead of bigger, higher things, like Vision, Mission & Strategy of a national leader – then you can select who is the most qualified, without insulting anyone by negative comments true or false. Truth is not enough! Remember the Rotary 4-Way Test: Is it True? Is it Fair? Is it Goodwilling? Is it Beneficial?

DM: Anyone can talk about grand vision, mission and strategy. In fact all of the candidates can present excellent (VMS)… However, presidency is not just about vision. It’s also about track record. If one was not able to get a degree for himself despite all the abundant resources given to him, how can you think he can perform well to achieve the greater vision for the country?

FAH: You ignore the fact that not one of (the) candidates have come out with VMS! (And how can track record be a gauge when you have never been a leader or President?)

DM: Do you mean track record lang ng pagiging presidente ang mahalagang basehan?

DM: And you suggested to me and Jim to talk about vms and use it as basis (for) selecting who is more qualified, and now you're saying not one of the candidates have come out with a vms. So ibabase namin sa wala ang aming selection? Mukhang hindi mo na Alam sinasabi mo, Mang Frank.

FAH: My God, you are misunderstanding me – wake up!
image of “Types Of Fallacies” from Your Dictionary, Yourdictionary.com)

Where is the misunderstanding there? Remember – You must know the rules of argumentation before you judge an argumentation. Fair enough?@517

Pope Francis’ Suggestions For Fasting” – Time To Fast Every Single Day Of The Year!

At about 6:40 AM today, Thursday, 06 March 2025, I find myself reading the Facebook post “Pope Francis’ Suggestions For Fasting,” Surprise! ...