13 January 2020

What SCUs Philippines Must Learn & Teach For The New Agriculture Under William Dar

From the UNESDoc Library[1] – the main image shows just fields of crops growing; this is how limited the United Nations Education, Scientific & Cultural Organization, UNESCO, institutionally views agricultural education in the Philippines, unfortunately. 

UNESCO, that is certainly quite a narrow view!

This is a teacher speaking. An alumnus of the University of the Philippines’ College of Agriculture, now University of the Philippines Los Baños, graduating in 1965 with a BS Agriculture degree major in Ag Education, I am Civil Service eligible, Professional level, passing the first Teacher’s Exam in 1964 with a grade of 80.6%.

All the more I have been inspired to create this new blog of mine: SCUs Philippines.

I taught myself creative writing in science. I have these taglines in 2 of my numerous blogs. One: “Frank H, World's most highly original, creative writer online” – A Magazine Called Love[2]. Two: “World's creative genius online, most prolific writer of non-fiction. Frank A Hilario, Guru” – Creative Thinkering[3]. I have published at least 4,000 blogposts of a minimum 1,000 words each.

Credentials established, I hope, I PH teacher must say:

UNESCO, you must widen your perspective of PH education in agriculture!

In parallel, I say:

Schools, Colleges & Universities, SCUs, of the Philippines, here is a new lesson for you!

As a matter of fact, PH Secretary of Agriculture William Dar/Manong Willie has demanded in a Manila Times story that the SCUs teach themselves on the new agriculture: “Universities Asked To Reshape (Curriculas) On Agriculture Sector[4],” saying:

SUCs must reshape their (individual) curricular program based on the challenges and opportunities of the region. They must become the research and innovation (locales) of the region. They must produce highly knowledgeable and skilled human capital for agri-industrial development of the region.

Those 42 words constitute, as it were, a new mandate for PH SCUs!

All those 3 sentences taken together constitutes an extreme challenge – all the more I am inspired to produce this new blog – to help wake up the SCUs of the Philippines!

“SUCs must reshape their (individual) curricular program based on the challenges and opportunities of the region.” I teacher agree 100%. Our SCUs must become learners themselves before they can become teachers again – which ones are the obstacles and which ones are the opportunities in aggie education in their locales? Of course, paradigm shift, an obstacle should be looked at more intelligently as an opportunity.

“They must become the research and innovation (locales) of the region.” Research, the SCUs know how to do; they have been doing it since they were born. But to generate innovations? That is a new challenge to them, and they need advices from educators, businessmen, and local innovators.

“They must produce highly knowledgeable and skilled human capital for agri-industrial development of the region.” As I view the situation, the human capital must comprise the following: science managers, business managers, technicians, and instructors who are also creative thinkers – count me as a volunteer to help teach those girls and boys!@517


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