06 February 2020

Youth – For New PH Agriculture, How SCUs Can Teach Creative Thinking For Entrepreneurship

PH Secretary of Agriculture William Dar/Manong Willie is pinning hopes on the luxuriant regrowth of Agriculture with the active participation of both the Public and Private Sectors. He is also pinning bright hopes on Youth Entrepreneurship – which needs creative thinking. 

The problem is: We are educating the youth halfway about thinking!

Schools, Colleges & Universities, SCUs, watch out!

Romy Quiñones shares on Facebook Bloom’s Taxonomy (top image) – aye, there’s the rub! I cut off the bottom that says, “249 Bloom’s Taxonomy Verbs For Critical Thinking.” My God, if you teach 249 verbs to the K-12’s, when will they finish their schooling?!

Look at these:

249 verbs for Critical Thinking,
000 verbs for Creative Thinking!

From this teacher, for today’s lesson for educators, I gathered 2 artistic expressions of the same subject from the Internet (the 2 superimposed images above) – never mind from whom I got because I am notgoing to give them credit; instead, I am going to give them a piece of my mind!

Creative thinking: I am a Filipino self-taught science writer. If you are not creative in writing about science, you cannot compete against the bad news.

Critical thinking: I am also an academically trained secondary teacher, with Civil Service eligibility, Professional Level, in the Philippines.

Above, I am establishing credentials, God-given and man-made, to begin and finish this one.

Patricia Armstrong says about Bloom’s Taxonom:y[1]:

Familiarly known as Bloom’s Taxonomy… (the framework) consisted of six major categories: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. The categories after Knowledge were presented as “skills and abilities,” with the understanding that knowledge was the necessary precondition for putting these skills and abilities into practice.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Hierarchical, from the ground up – That is all critical thinking, which is only half-thinking!

Above, those 2 superimposed images. Left image: Skills and abilities cannot be hierarchical. And they cannot overlap and contradict each other. Right image: Skills and abilities are what the flower suggests: composite parts of one bloom.

From the ground up, Ms Patricia says, you first Evaluate, then Synthesize, then Analyze, then Apply, then Comprehend.

That is not logical thinking at all! That is confused thinking!

Clearly thinking, the Peak Performance Center, PPC, says[2]:

Creative thinking is a way of looking at problems or situations from a fresh perspective to conceive of something new or original. ¶ Critical thinking is the logical, sequential disciplined process of rationalizing, analyzing, evaluating, and interpreting information to make informed judgments and/or decisions.

As a teacher and the world’s most creative writer online who supports Manong Willie’s “New Thinking for Agriculture,” what can I do to help educate young students in creative thinking? Upon their invitation, to start, I could visit the major SCUs such as Benguet State University, Bicol State University, Central Luzon State University, and UP Los Baños, to hold sessions in creative thinking in hard-core subjects or areas like animal husbandry, entomology, plant breeding, and veterinary medicine. Yes – you will be surprised!

Educators here and abroad, you need some education yourselves!@517

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