22 March 2020

Jack Ma’s Free Coronavirus Book For Medical People – And My Free Editorial Advice For Jack Ma

Good News: The Handbook Of Covid-19 Prevention And Treatment is free for downloading[1]. Gift to the world from Jack Ma Foundation.

Bad News: The handbook is much inadequate in content – and confusing to read!

This is an Editor In Chief speaking.

To introduce myself: At 79, I am 100% digital, self-taught. With 45 years experience in editing, non-digital and digital. A graduate of the University of the Philippines Los Baños, UPLB, 1965. I am the only UP System/UPLB graduate honored as “Outstanding Alumnus For Creative Writing.”

The handbook begins with Part One: Prevention And Control Management and it goes immediately into “I. Isolation Area Management” withoutexplaining separately what it means by Prevention and Control Management.

The subtitle for the above main image from the handbook is, “Hospital Practice Protocols During Covid-19 Epidemic” – image quality is good, but the book must have many, many more images minus non-illustrative 13 images in 68 pages. Texts and visuals should deliver instructions clearly and immediately! Remember, the medical staff are already stressed from the very beginning. (On above main image, superimposed: Jack Ma from Euromoney[2], my trophy.)

Many more Helps, please! There are 11,629 words in the pdf; how the hell is a medical staff going through all 68 pages every single reference time?

Before I forget, I Filipino science writer thank Jack Ma for showing concern for community by producing the Covid-19 handbook. My Compliments given, Overall I say:

Yes Sir, it needs improvement, much improvement.
Yes, the need for total revision is urgent!

On any page, the handbook, for every single need, should make it clear and precise and enough in itself – especially that we are dealing with an emergency situation.

And no, the handbook does not practice what it preaches!

Early in the book, on page 5, “Health Management,” it says:

A nutritious diet shall be provided to improve the immunity of medical personnel.

So why does notthe handbook show, and describe, actual choices for nutritious diets? The medical staff need nutritious food to increase their own immunity.

There are 2 little secrets how the handbook should be revised from cover to cover – I will reveal them only to Jack Ma. Those secrets will multiply the speed & accuracy of referring to page/pages, 200% faster if print copy, even faster if digital! And:

With funding and medical backstopping, digitally I can revise that handbook in 30 days, print-on-demand.

Finally, here’s page 48 of the handbook:

XIII. Drug Use Management of Covid-19 Patients

(Medical conditions of) Covid-19 patients are often complicated with underlying diseases receiving multiple types of drugs. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the adverse drug reactions and drug interactions so as to avoid drug-induced organ damage and improve the success rate of treatment.

The above tells me that Covid-19 patients may die of the “underlying diseases receiving multiple types of drugs” – that is why:

The expanded handbook must equally emphasize
Prevention and Treatment!

Bad treatment can kill. But:
Good health never killed anybody!@

[1] https://www.alizila.com/jack-ma-foundation-shares-coronavirus-prevention-handbook/
[2] https://www.euromoney.com/article/b1ksqwfgmx88ny/china-jack-ma-sends-a-message-to-the-us-with-coronavirus-covid-19-test-kits

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