03 April 2020

Coronavirus & Agriculture In Hot Water. I’ll Drink To That! Coffee

When you find it all confusing, find out some more!

I just found out the truth of that lesson myself after wondering silently in the last 7 days: “There is so much to learn about the coronavirus or Covid-19, and it’s all very confusing!”

(1) “Stay home!”
If staying at home will save me from Covid-19, why do people instinctively want to go out of their residences?

(2) “Don’t touch your face!”
If the virus is on my fingers, sooner or later it will find its way into my system.

(3) “Wash your hands often.”
How many times: 10 times? 20 times? “Often” is not enough!

(4) “Cough on your elbow.”
That’s assuming you already have the virus inside you.

(5) “Keep a safe distance.”
That’s assuming the virus already may be in or on the other fellow. A sudden cough may propel the virus in the direction of your face, and you may catch it.

Those 5 instructions – and longer lists I did not include down here – did not make me feel secure. I wanted to find out just one thing I could do that will stop the coronavirus from invading my body and causing harm, even death. If I had to remember all, what if I forgot one of those rules?

So I googled some more – which was easy, as the WiFi connection is now excellent at the Hilarios because it is now PLDT Home Fibr 1299 running at 20 MBPS. And that was when I found Snoopy. (Image above; the source I can’t find but it was shared by Jessica Jessica.)

With his dark glasses on, what’s Snoopy brightly saying? I had forgotten Peanuts, where Snoopy is a sane member of the population. Here he is insinuating his sunny disposition, saying:

What to do about the corona virus.

Drink Coffee
Put On Some
Worship Music
And Let God
Handle It!

No joke! That’s the best bundle of advice I have ever heard since the Luzon Enhanced Community Quarantine in the middle of last month, March.

I’ll drink to that!

Right now, I’m drinking hot coffee, because I know that hot water is 10 times good for me! With or without the coronavirus. Kathryn Watson of Healthline tells me there are 10 ways drinking hot water may benefit me[1]:

(1)     Relieves nasal congestion

(2)     Aids digestion

(3)     Calms central nervous system

(4)     Helps relieve constipation

(5)     Keeps you hydrated

(6)     May aid in weight loss

(7)     Improves circulation

(8)     Can decrease stress

(9)     Can help reduce toxins

(10)  Relieves symptoms of achalasia.

There is of course the advice of New York Dr David Price of Weill Cornell Medical Center, as reported by Victor Garcia[2]:

(Dr) Price went on say the virus is primarily transmitted by touching someone who has the virus and then touching your face.

Nah. Touching someone is automatic, touching my face is automatic. Snoopy is my man. I will follow him; I will drink hot coffee to get rid of any toxin, and trust God above all!@517

[1] https://www.healthline.com/health/benefits-of-drinking-hot-water
[2] https://www.foxnews.com/media/doctor-david-price-coronavirus

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