09 April 2020

Exploring Zeta, Appreciating Bar Taste Of The Wine Called “Frank H’s Secret 7 Ex’s Of Creative Writing”

Help yourself!

This is all free. For columnists, journalists, preachers, speakers, writers – anyone who wants to be a creative writer, this is for you. Based on my writing experience of 46 years.

My “Secret 7 Ex’s of Creative Writing” was born 19 March 2020 (see my essay, “In The Midst Of Chaos, Frank A Hilario, Blogfather Will Help You Discover Your Heart, Not Hurt, For Writing[1]!” The Blogfather). I am now going to call the whole process of Frank H’s writing formula “Exploring Zeta.” Zeta is for Z; that’s for mnemonics; that’s also for richness in meaning. Above, look at the Z Bar image[2]; while you’re at Bar Z – cuisine, cocktails, music, media, private events whatever – imagine that!

Zeta is the sixth letter of the Greek alphabet[3] (Wikipedia). In Greek numerals, its value is 7. Isn’t that wonderful! I have the Secret 7 Ex’s of Creative Writing!

“The ‘Z’ or the zigzag is a common Native American symbol and motif[4]” (What’s-Your-Sign.com). I say, when you write, whenever you can, you must explore the life on the Earth (Ground Zero) and connect it to the Sky (Sacred Ground).

Z: “Yet what is an ending, but a new beginning[5]?” – Mateja Klaric, lady writer, photographer, and explorer of the inner worlds[6]. With my Exploring Zeta, you should be exploring the Earth, the Heavens, and their Connections.

So now, the 7 Ex’s – they are stepwise, so you have to follow them first things first:

1.     Explore: Expanding possibilities of content. It means you have to do diligent search for background materials, whatever the topic. What’s the Internet for?

2.     Extract: Expanding number of meanings of borrowed contents. Copy & paste, then express them in your own words when you can – or put in quotes.

3.     Exploit: Expanding power of Serendipity. “Serendipity,” says Horace Walpole, who invented the term, is “a happy thing happening when you’re not asking for it.” With practice, when you break your research, your mind will wander into pleasant territories!

4.     Express:
Expanding thoughts into words and ideas.
From Step 3, it is time to write your first draft. Look at your research; look at your notes in between those texts – and write your first draft! Then stop. No matter how bad the first draft looks, stop! Relax. Enjoy the break however you want to enjoy. Your mind needs to get away from what it has been working on.

5.     Examine:
Expanding power of your language.
Now you revisit Draft 1, review against your research and notes, and revise. After that, quit again.

6.     Excel:
Expanding quality of your writing by patiently revising some more.
Me, I always reread and revise at least 5 times, sometimes 10 times – this one about 20 times!

7.     Exhale:
Expanding your reach by releasing your intellectual output into the universe of knowledge.
May the gods be pleased!

You don’t need a guru like me if you follow those 7 zealously, religiously. Happy writing!@517


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