22 April 2020

Fragmented As It Is, The Philippines Is Worth Writing For!

Facebook sharing of Ed Quiblatin: 

Time to shift from “egosystems to ecosystems” (per article).

Thanks, Ed, I needed that! Paraphrasing Ninoy Aquino, I say, “The Philippines is worth writing for!”

Actually, it has been so for me since at least the beginning of 2007, a little more than 13 years ago, when I started blogging for the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, ICRISAT, based in India, as an international consulting writer for ICRISAT, when now-Secretary of Agriculture William Dar/Manong Willie was Director General. I was writing for ICRISAT countries – but I made sure that I was also writing for the Philippines, directly or indirectly mentioning my country.

My perspective has always been bigger than my topic. Yes, once in a little, I do mention my ability/ies relevant to the topics – from “egosystems to ecosystems” per article.

That is how I approach this one: “Eight Emerging Lessons: From Coronavirus to Climate Action[1]” by Otto Scharmer of Medium.com, writing 17 March 2020. Now that lockdowns have been imposed in most of the world, Mr Scharmer has been moved to think from small to Big. Here are his Little/Big Thoughts on the subject of the “New World Order” (my term):

1.  The coronavirus disruption is a harbinger of things to come.
2.  Your behavior changes the system.
3.  Two levers: timely government response and data-based citizen awareness.
4.  We are faced with a choice.
5.  The decline of Trump and far right populists.
6.  The rise of data-driven awareness-based collective action.
7.  The conversation we need to have now: reimagining our civilization.
8.  School for transformation: activating generative social fields.

“The coronavirus disruption is a harbinger of things to come.” Yes, even if we do not feel it or see it now, the world has been changed forever, even right in your neighborhood. You will see it, or feel it, or sense it, after all this is over. Like it or not.

Your behavior changes the system. In an immediate manner during a lockdown. A whole world in a lockdown is global chaos! No matter how you look at it.

Two levers: timely government response and data-based citizen awareness. No government anticipated this, and no citizenry knew exactly how to behave. Yes, we citizens are now in a state of awareness and immobility against our liking.

We are faced with a choice. Always.

The decline of Trump and far right populists. I don’t think so. I believe Donald John Trump is the best modern American President so far! That is an opinion coming from a Manila observer.

The rise of data-driven awareness-based collective action. Every numbers-crazy! expert of something thinks like that: Numbers will tell you what to do! No, they don’t – your thinking does, numbers or no numbers.

The conversation we need to have now: reimagining our civilization. Ah, I rather agree with this. The world has been pushed to the Brink – let us push it to the Better!

School for transformation: activating generative social fields. Me: Schools transformed and the media humbled – Absolutely!@517

[1] https://medium.com/presencing-institute-blog/eight-emerging-lessons-from-coronavirus-to-climate-action-683c39c10e8b

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