04 April 2020

We Are Defeating Ourselves, Not The Coronavirus!

Because a lockdown has been declared, and that has locked out thinking outside the box!
That is true all over the world –
The whole world is using only half-a-brain: Logical!
Not the other half: Creative.

(Images: coronavirus from IFRC[1], defeat from Fandom[2])

The stories have concentrated on the Dreaded Number Stories:

(1)   Number of deaths by country.
(2)   Number of frontliners dying.
(3)   Number of persons under investigation.
(4)   Number of persons under monitoring.
(5)   Number of sets of personal protective equipment, PPE, lacking.

And so on and so forth.

No, this is not a coronavirus pandemic. This is a pandemic of limited thinking by men (embracing women) not using their unlimited minds!

If the PPEs work, why should there be any single death among the health frontliners who are dressed to the kill? They are dressed to be killed – because they are overlooking something. Like precautions and maintenances not included in the list of PPEs. Like drinking hot water. How can they ignore drinking hot water when it is so cheap it doesn’t need to be manufactured in Russia or in Afghanistan? (Read now my “04.WritingLessons – Coronavirus & Agriculture In Hot Water. I’ll Drink To That! Coffee[3].”03 April 2020, PAJacks.)

Rattled by the continuous barrage of media on those Dreaded Number Stories, we have only shuddered and locked out ourselves from the world of living and now are only thinking if we have enough food to eat until the lockdown is no more.

On Facebook, people are exchanging jokes, sharing the blame on people – accompanied with words that damn, telling sadly of a loved one as the latest victim of the virus, the shenanigans of politicians from top to bottom, etcetera.

We are not trying to solve the problem; we are only trying to imprison people in their residences “to prevent the spread of the disease.” That is insane! Even granting that I am the one insane, preventing the spread is not the same as preventing the occurrence – that is to say, to stop the disease right on Ground Zero, to never start.

How do you stop the virus from starting to wreak havoc on the human body? Make the human body more or less indestructible to the virus:

Built the autoimmune system to the max!

That is not what the medical experts are prescribing. Because then we would not need their services, would we?

“The best defense is a good offense.” I memorized that long ago; I googled but couldn’t find who said that. And what would comprise as good offense of the body as its best defense against the coronavirus? An A-One, healthy, tiptop shape body – one whose autoimmune system is working 100%! Or at least 90%.

Nobody is talking about defeating the coronavirus right from the start, only about defeating the virus once inside the body. That is foolhardy, to say the least. Fools rush in, where wise men never go!

Meanwhile, the clock is ticking, and I wouldn’t want to be there when the coronavirus time bomb goes off!@517

[1] https://media.ifrc.org/ifrc/press-release/red-cross-scales-preparedness-global-response-novel-coronavirus-declared-international-health-emergency/
[2] https://babaiswiki.fandom.com/wiki/DEFEAT
[3] https://pajacks.blogspot.com/2020/04/04writinglessons-coronavirus.html

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