01 April 2020

Writers (Wanting To Improve Their Writing) Wanted! – The Blog PAJacks, By Frank A Hilario

If you want to improve your writing, write for this blog PAJacks. It is an acronym, but it is also a plural word I have invented, pronounced padyaks, English plural of the Tagalog padyak, which means stomp one’s feet, or step heavily. I want PAJacks to stomp all over the Philippines with a thousand authors published coming from Aparri to Jolo. The language, I must insist, is (American) English. (Images: “Writers Wanted” from The Wellie Project[1], stomping foot from 123rf.com[2])

Topic, subject, or field? Any of the arts & sciences – as long as you can relate it to agriculture.

So, whoever you are, I invite you to email something you have written, in soft copy and in 500 words more or less: frankahilario@gmail.com.

By the way, who am I?

Yes, I am the one and only recipient of the UP award “Outstanding Alumnus For Creative Writing” (2011) – nobody else within the UP System units has such an award.

Another Surprise:
Yes, I am self-taught! In digital creative writing. I am a BSA graduate major in Ag Education from UP Los Baños. Which tells me, since I am a teacher, I must be an outstanding teacher myself!

Still Another Surprise:
Yes, I am a senior citizen, 79. Age doesn’t matter if you don’t mind! In the last 7 days, I blogged 14 essays.

And you, what should you be writing about? Almost anything, but:

Write, write, write – always to show that the Filipino is worth writing for!

Of course I’m coming from Agriculture – as you will note that PAJacks means Philippine Agricultural Journalists Advancing Agriculture Aided By Community Knowledge & Science – but you don’t have to be a bonafide or certified or published journalist to be part of the PAJacks Community – you just have to be able to write.

Writer or would-be writer: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways, all gratis et amore:

(1)   Draft:
I will edit your draft. Revise at least 3 times, then email your Microsoft Word file. With an image or photograph if possible.

(2)   Improving the draft:
As an Author’s Editor, I will be your author friend, will help you improve your draft. Don’t worry, I will respect your originality. I will not rewrite you, just suggest how you can rewrite yourself if necessary.

(3)   Content:
I may request you, maybe even require you, to add background material(s) to what you have written. Example: Almost 100%, I quote somebody – a quotation always makes interesting reading.

(4)   Your pace, your time:
You are the writer, so you dictate your own rhythm. But when you begin to enjoy your creative writing, you will write faster, you will see!

(5)   Your space:
Do you need to be alone, undisturbed, to write successfully? Yes and No. You’ll get used to whatever when you begin to enjoy your creative writing – and with me as your Author’s Editor, you will be enjoying: You can bet on that.

So, write right now or submit your work now!@517

[1] https://www.thewellieproject.com/2016/07/05/fitness-qa-with-haley-what-is-powerlifting/
[2] https://www.123rf.com/stock-photo/foot_stomp.html

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