10 April 2020

WritingLessons – William Dar’s Birthday Wish: Social Success Stories Shout, Single Success Stories Out!

Now, watch how a creative writer, I shoot 2 birds with 1 stone.

Today, 10 April 2020, Wilson Lee Flores shares on Facebook what Secretary of Agriculture William Dar/Manong Willie has shared earlier. Mr Flores’ Read & Share is this: “I want so share another really positive, #goodnews in the #Philippines, this is like the traditional #Chinese mindset of looking for opportunities in every crisis. President #Duterte’s wise, diligent and good #Agriculture Secretary William Dar posted:”

Let us have a national Movement on #PLANT, PLANT, PLANT. Puede ba ito ang #birthday gift ninyo ngayon sa akin? I don’t need material gift, just give/donate seeds or seedlings to your neighbors if at all possible.

Calling on all big business, SUCs, seed companies, LGUs, CSOs to mobilize and be counted.
Each seed company can adopt a city or LGU in Metro Manila.
The same can be done by other big business groups. Let us have urban agri in all metro areas in the country.
The SUCs can adopt a town or a city where they are located and operating.
All professional organizations in agriculture and #fisheries can do the same.
LGUs to also invest their funds in partnership with DA.
God bless us all!

Manong Willie is calling on all of us: “Puede ba ito ang #birthday gift ninyo ngayon sa akin?” May it be that this is the birthday gift you have for me this time?

The Department of Agriculture, DA, already has a Plant, Plant, Plant Program, 4 Ps, with a separate funding of P31 Billion (US$ 620 Million) for this year. In the DA press release, “DA Assures Enough Food Supply Thru “Plant, Plant, Plant Program[1].”

That’s different. This time, he is calling on non-DA institutions and industry leaders to launch a counterpart private-led 4 Ps. Manong Willie says, “Again, we wish to emphasize that the threat of hunger is as real as the threat of Covid-19. Hence, the government is giving equal priority and attention to continuously expand local food production to avoid potential shortage.”

When Manong Willie says “the government,” he refers not only to the DA, his own department, but to other government agencies and units, up to and including the Legislative and Executive.

Now for the new PH Agriculture, we have the DA-led 4 Ps and the Manong Willie-inspired non-government 4 Ps. Now, both those 4 Ps are telling us only one thing:

If you want PH Agriculture to succeed, cut out the selfish Single Success Stories persistent in PH journalism to this day, and start the Social Success Stories, groups succeeding in their common goal of food security! Stop the Mr/Ms so-and-so-success style of stories published in magazines & newspapers in the last 60 years, and start the City/Town/Village success stories today!

Stop encouraging individual successes and start encouraging social successes! It takes a village to nurture a child; it takes journalism to help nurture the village.

Plant food, plant fruits, plant flowers, plant trees – plant hope.
We have much work to do.
God bless us all!@

[1] http://www.da.gov.ph/da-assures-enough-food-supply-thru-plant-plant-plant-program/

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