13 May 2020

The Flowers Of May Are Free, And So Is My Ebook Of Essays Advocating PH Agriculture: Greenfields Asia.

Lockdown or not, May is a beautiful month. In the Christian world, May belongs to Mary, a much-revered figure as Mother of Jesus, who is Christ, who is the Son of God and who became Man to save the sinful humans from the wrath of God the Father. It’s complicated, but that’s how I see it in my mind’s eye.

Figuratively, the flowers of May I expect growing this year are the journalists and columnists who care, or should, about Filipino farmers in general, and not only their media.

Images: beautiful May from Jack Hartmann[1]; PressFreedom from Twitter[2]: The silencing of a free press can be by government – or by the members of media themselves refusing to take the side of the millions. In the case of PH agriculture under the leadership of Secretary of Agriculture William Dar/Manong Willie, it’s the aggie journalists who have so far refused to exercise their media freedom and take the side of promoting PH agriculture – not demoting it as do a handful of aggie journalists or columnists, and farm leaders. If you do not promote the new agriculture, it’s because you are unable or refuse to see the flowers, not just the ones in your album. Like: Do you know “The 8 Paradigms” that accompany The New Thinking For Agriculture from Manong Willie?

On the other hand, I can easily see the beauty of May. The first murmur of rain, the first opening of flowers, are all welcome sounds and sights.

Personally, I am now welcoming May 2020 with the release of my book, in pdf, Greenfields Asia, 100 essays published in my blog, Journalism 4.0.

Uniquely, Greenfields Asia is how to think of PH agriculture creatively. And expansively.

The flowers of May I’m offering are the fields I cultivate belonging to The New PH Agriculture as I term it as espoused by Secretary of Agriculture William Dar, who assumed his position as Head of the Department of Agriculture, DA, on 05 August 2019. In his own words, Manong Willie is calling for “The New Thinking For Agriculture” that is embedded in what he calls “The 8 Paradigms” – read my book to find out what!

I would like to emphasize that I can call my work THINK Journalism, following American guru Zig Ziglar’s THINK-ing – True? Helpful? Inspiring? Necessary? Kind? I do refrain from negatives.

Since my advocacy is virtual, essentially via online essays, it must also become visual, to lend evidence to the eyes and credence to the mind. Hence this pdf manuscript I’m sharing.

The book I have right now is all of 283 pages, yours for the asking (email frankahilario@gmail.com). I’m offering it also to the farmer leaders and/or advocates who occasionally speak up and only negatively. They better learn the concept of inclusive market-oriented development, IMOD, from Manong Willie, or they cannot keep up with him intellectually! I say, if they are looking for a single secret of success in farming, it’s not landownership but marketing!@517

[1] https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/280278776794205509/
[2] https://twitter.com/supermantweets/status/594853966229438464

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