14 June 2020

Maria Ressa Thinks Truth Journalism. Like Apple, I Think Different

Directed by Ramona Diaz, the docu on Maria Ressa titled “A Thousand Cuts,” according to Andrew Paredes, is “a compelling portrait of fearless journalism under threat[1]” (12 June 2020, ANC-X).

I can commiserate with Maria Ressa, but not encourage her.

I am not a graduate of any journalism-related course, and neither is Maria Ressa. So, where comes her “fearless journalism”? She had a BA in English from Princeton University, and certificates in theater and dance[2]. She was awarded a Fullbright scholarship to study political theater at UP Diliman – I don’t know what happened to that.

She does not say it, but I know the journalism Maria Ressa along with her Rappler group is playing – Truth Journalism. Not bad in itself, but when you go after the Truth, the people involved might go after you! “You have 5 hours left.” You are lucky if you get a warning like that!

Maria Ressa is a self-taught journalist, and her practice is mostly art. I am a self-taught journalist myself, an agriculturist, and my practice is mostly science.

Our essential difference is that Maria Ressa practices Truth Journalismwhile I practice THiNK Journalism (hence my blog title).

In Truth Journalism, you get your highs going after and writing dangerously about facts.

The problem with Truth Journalism is that there is no higher aim than the Truth. The end of the journalistic journey is the Truth.

I have a loftier goal. Truth is only the beginning of my T_H_i_N_K Journalism. Journalism that THINKs first and last:

True is it? I have discovered the Bad Truth. Now, am I going to disseminate it to the people so that the person(s) concerned will be condemned by society? That is not THiNK Journalism!

Helpful is it? Even if it seems True, I will still ask the question: “Is it Helpful to make that Truth known in society?”

Inspiring is it? If that Truth seems Helpful, I will still ask the next question: “Is it inspiring to make it public?” If not, stop.

Necessary is it? Even if that Truth is Inspiring, I will still ask the next question: “Is it necessary to publicize it?” If I don’t see a social good, I will not make it known to the people.

Kind is it? So, it is True, Helpful, Inspiring & Necessary – but is it Kind? If not, bury it!

You see, THiNK Journalism calls for another kind of bravery: Intellectual.

If you don’t like what happens to you in your pursuit of the Truth? It’s your fault!

As a journalist, why do you count your cuts instead of your joys?

Know that I am not a Duterte diehard, but he has made me happy enough with 2 of his decisions. One, the Federalism proposal – I believe in it essentially. Two, his appointment of Secretary of Agriculture William Dar, a man I believe is the most deserving and has so far proved to be the best head of the PH Department of Agriculture. What more do I want for my country?!@517




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