16 August 2020

University Of The Philippines “Sleeping with Science.”

Yes, the entire UP System from UP Baguio to UP Mindanao has been asleep in these 6 months of coronavirus lockdown – The Silence of the Lame?

This UP Los Baños alumnus is saying, “UP is the University of Protests – why is not the System protesting against Ignorance and trying to Fill in the Gaps?” The Silence of the Limp?

UP has not been actively involved in the ups and downs of PH Agriculture and the travails of farmers as the coronavirus “solution” locked UP almost everything. The Silence of the Lamb?

What could have the UP System done, what can it do to help PH Agriculture from Aparri to Jolo? Much, even right now. There is:

Unlimited UP digital intellectual resources!


Demo farms.





Publications, even hundreds of them.

Think of all those as digital in existence, not physical – although they are based on the physical.

Also (examples):

UP Baguio – Show agroforestry, with pines as Mother Trees to the farm and garden crops.

UP Cebu – Show what Agriculture was like in Cebu before the Spaniards came.

UP Diliman – Show the Arts via the Digital.

UP Los Baños – Show how much Aggie Science remains to be published for the public good.

UP Manila – Show how Food is related to Human Health.

UP Mindanao – Show native agriculture in southern Philippines.

UP Open University – Show open-mindedness!

More to do:

According to Secretary of Agriculture William Dar, Philippine agri-fishery will have to be in the

Survive, Reboot, Grow continuum under the “New Normal.”

What is the UP System doing for its country?

There is much to consider, according to Mr Dar, in terms of the vision of:

A food secure & resilient Philippines with empowered & prosperous farmers and fisherfolk.

Production & Availability. Accessibility & Affordability. All these:

Systems. Such as agro-fishery value chain integration and logistics.

Products. Such as higher levels of nutritious food supplies.

People. Such as broadened access to support services by farmers. Such as entrepreneurial generation.

Institutions. Such as strengthening partnerships between government and private sectors.

Environment. Such as working for increased resilience, balanced, natural ecosystems.

And in the meantime the UP System is sleeping, its Digital Eyes shut!

Much earlier, straight from the headquarters of the DA, Mr Dar said[1] (29 April 2020, da.gov.ph):

The Covid-19 pandemic highlights the vulnerabilities of our current systems, particularly distorting the food supply chain and global trade. Therefore, it is imperative for the government to rethink and restructure its policies and practices to prevent from being overwhelmed by future crisis.

The University of the Philippines System belongs in Government. Wake up, UP!

First, we must simply surpass this global crisis. Then, under the ‘whole of nation approach,’ we should build our own resilience not only to threats like Covid-19, but also to emerging challenges like climate change.

After Covid-19, it will not be business as usual, and we should focus on three principles, namely: survive, reboot, and grow.

Shame on The UP System if it keeps on Sleeping with Science! To borrow from a UP alumnus, FM: “Nakakahiya!”@517


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