01 September 2020

For PH, UPLB – All You Need To Start A One-Man Digital Revolution, And I Already Showed You The Way, 17 Years Ago!


UPLB students want their new Chancellor to be student-issues relevant but not digitally relevant: What?!

See my essays in my blog BraveNewWorld.PH :
“Who Will Be The Chancellor Of The Brave New World Of UPLB
[1]?(08 August 2020)
“UPLB Students Living In The Past, Not In The Current Digital Present
[2]!” (30 August 2020)

I know UPLB students are not bloggers; nobody has taught them blogging. Now the World’s #1 Blogger is telling them:

Blogging is the most powerful mass medium in the world today!

UPLB professors do not appreciate the power of the digital, so they have not taught their students anything digital. Well, I like to regard myself as an Ilocano original aboriginal, so I started teaching myself on Innocents Day 1985; why can’t other innocents teach themselves?

So the whole university is not digital, except in records. Which explains why UPLB students are barbarians when it comes to digital expressions, much less journalism.

Now, how do you explain the fact that an Ilocano from Asingan, Pangasinan, who graduated from UPLB in 1965, became the Editor in Chief of the Philippine Journal of Crop Science, PJCS, in 2003, 38 years later – and brought its overall publication quality up to world standards in 2007; thus, the PJCS was accepted into the elite international journal list called ISI (now World of Science)?

I made that journal ISI within 3 years when I began and it was already late 3 years! Which means I worked double-time: I produced 6 issues a year when I was only supposed to produce 3 issues. That’s called Dedication – not to mention Dispatch.

I must tell you that the whole PJCS publishing work was a one-man job; I was all these:
Desktop Publisher
(format, layout etc)
Editor In Chief  

And it was all-digital!

The PJCS is owned by the Crop Science Society of the Philippines, Publisher, based at UPLB. The journal was already late by 3 years (9 issues) when I took over.

From 2001 to 2007, I was a One-Man Revolution in Technical Journal Publishing in the Philippines.

I made the PJCS up-to-date in 3 years, 2003-2006, then world-class (“ISI”) the next year, 2007. That must have been a world record. I was already 66 at that time. Where there is a will, there is a way!

How did I do it? I had taught myself. I began teaching myself digital in December 1985, Innocents Day. Then desktop publishing.

So, look at me now!

This is my challenge today to UPLB students:

Learn digital yourself.
Challenge yourself.
Be the best you can be!

Meanwhile, select your next Chancellor as the one who is digital: Patrick Alain T Azanza. Because today, if you want UP Los Baños to serve the people all over the Philippines equally and instantly, not to mention the students, you have to be digital.

My dear alma mater UP Los Baños, if you don’t go digital, why not? If not now, when?@517


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