06 September 2020

How PH Can Produce Youth Agripreneurs In A Revolutionary Manner

Who invented college degrees?

From Bonar Laureto’s Facebook sharing, I learn, “Google Plans To Replace College Degree With 6-Month Certificates To Help People Develop Skills And Get High-Paying Jobs In Various Fields[1]!” The beautiful image of the elegant Google headquarters with rustic bicycles up front I am presenting above is from another report of the same news, this one by Steven Buchko (30 August 2020, The Money Time). (image of students chatting on lawn from MMSU online[2]).

The visual unintended Google lesson?
You can never run away from where you came from!

I mean, Google started with a new computer program, not a college degree.

Google has announced this week that they will start accepting Google Learning Certificates to replace college degrees. They are offering 6-month courses for future employees to train for jobs in a lot less time than it would take in college. Google Career Certificates will be (issued) by the company…

At that, I can see that Google is a slow learner!

Anyway, Google did notlearn from Steve Jobs. Without a college degree of any kind, he founded and made Apple Inc the most successful – wealthiest – company in the world all arising from the application of his genius. I am not saying those Google people are not geniuses, but they are afraid to use their genius – and fail.

But this time I am going to use the example of Google for the purpose of producing little local little geniuses in generating enterprises in agriculture. No, producing youth agripreneurs is not yet in the curricula of any of the Schools, Colleges & Universities, SCUs, in agriculture in the Philippines, and that is exactly why as a Civil Service Professional Teacher I am thinking agripreneurship among the youth sans college degree.

I’m thinking like this:

A Young Entrepreneurs In Agriculture Program, YEAP, will be formulated and funded by the Department of Agriculture, DA, for implementation in all the SCUs in the country. It is field experience-oriented, notdegree-oriented. The field exposure will be for 4 cropping seasons or 2 years. All the young trainees have to do is record what they do, see, hear and think.

The actual learning experience is a double-field exposure. Example:

SRI Hectare 1

From the technology of the System of Rice Intensification, SRI, 2 high school graduates will be assisted by an SCUs faculty in carrying out the steps of the technology package as well as recording every detail involved:

Seedbed preparation
Seed sowing
Seedling care
Transplanting at 2 weeks old
Square planting (1 seedling/hill), 25 cm x 25 cm.

The fertilizer used will be recorded: cost/unit, name, amount applied, frequency of application.

Usual Rice Hectare 2

The traditional way of planting rice will be followed, each step recorded.

That will be for the first season.

2nd, 3rd & 4th Seasons.

Compute, compute, compute.

(Thus, I am sure that the introduction of SRI will revolutionize PH Agriculture!)

The young entrepreneurs of the YEAP will then be funded by the DA to become farmers on their own.@517




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