16 September 2020

My Birthday Is Coming Up, And If You Love Me, Bury Me With Your Un-Edited Technical Papers As Your Gifts!

After creative writing, my next big talent is technical editing. And so today, my way of giving thanks to the Lord for reaching 80 (not today), send me your unedited technical manuscript on agriculture, biodiversity, communication, ecology, education, forestry, technology or any related field – and I will edit the first 17 soft copies I receive, gratis et amore! frankahilario@gmail.com (Otherwise, it’s P7K.)

Pre-digital: If you don’t know me, from 1975 to 1981, for the Forest Research Institute, FORI, I was the founder and Editor In Chief of the monthly newsletter Canopy, quarterly technical journal Sylvatrop, and quarterly popular color magazine Habitat. Those publications made FORI well-known here and abroad.

100% digital: From 2003 to 2008, I was the Editor In Chief of the Philippine Journal of Crop Science, PJCS, the one who elevated it to the internationally honored list of journals called ISI (Web of Knowledge-Web of Science).

My offer of a gift to edit your technical paper was prompted by the Facebook sharing of DoST (main image above) with the title “DoST and Elsevier, World’s Largest Scientific Publisher, Renew Partnership.” Thus, “DoST revitalized its subscription to the scientific publishing giant’s online journals, citation index database, and capacity building of researchers on authorship to scientific journals.”

I note: “capacity building of researchers on authorship (of papers submitted) to scientific journals.” Mr DoST, I say we do not need to subscribe to foreign journals for our authors to come up with international standards in technical writing – we can ask the help of the Editors In Chief of the Philippine Agricultural Scientist, PAS, and the PJCS who actively brought those publications to the internationally respected ISI level: OK Bautista for PAS and Frank A Hilario for PJCS.

Experience is the best teacher!

… the year 2019 posted the highest research output in a single year at 5,614 research publications produced.

As an Editor In Chief of 45 years, here’s my comment on the above DoST news:

The highest research output in a single year at 5,614 research publications produced is unbelievable!

The DoST reporter did not proofread his report – a cardinal sin. By “5,614 research publications produced,” s/he must mean 5,614 research papers published, not 5,614 research journals published – too many!

Here is a Facebook comment on the above DoST sharing:

Edd K Usman: Ma’am, thanks so much. Take care. Head already corrected… renews to renew.” Slip-up.

In the title of the paper, a grammatical error occurs: “renews” instead of “renew.” Really, my editorial work of 45 years tells me that authors are not careful with grammar – and that is why you need editors who are careful with those who are careless.

And yes, on the above main image, I superimposed “How to write a great abstract.” The mentor is using a fountain pen – that is bringing back technical writing to 45 years ago.

I am 100% self-taught when it comes to digital. Today, editors of technical papers must be 100% digital, or must yield to others who are!@517


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