25 October 2020

“brainstarming” – A Creative Approach In Communication For Development In Agriculture

You want to learn creative thinking leading to creative writing? Or you want a different kind of Editor? Try me, original Ilocano aboriginal. This is a guru of 45 years speaking. This is one way I can celebrate my 80 years, plus 1 month, of being me, thank God!

Just read. Here’s the me you probably don’t know who can help you in your Journalism for Agriculture – read on, this is free!

Today, Saturday, 24 October 2020, this brainstorm has been triggered by the Facebook sharing of Bruno Martinuzzi, “Virtual Brainstorming Tips And Tricks[1] (22 October 2020, MindTools.com). Too bad, in group brainstorming, Mr Martinuzzi differentiates virtual brainstorming from in-person brainstorming – that’s artificial.

I say, in brainstorming, there is a Team of a Group, and a Team of One. Me, I am a Team of One. And there is virtual proof of what I am saying about myself. Since 2005, I have created more than 100 blogs of different fields. If you will visit one of my blogs, Creative Thinkering, https://creativethinkering.blogspot.com, you can count 971 long essays published, with this tagline: “World’s creative genius online, most prolific writer of non-fiction.” And if you visit another blog, A Magazine Called Love, https://amagazinecalledlove.blogspot.com, you can count 2,293 essays published, with the tagline, “Frank H, World’s most highly original, creative writer online.” 3,264 essays in just 2 blogs – unbelievable!

Now, this new logo & expression is an original Frank A Hilario:
(above main imag
e[2] from Wrike.com)

The basic working concept of brainstarming is that from Edward de Bono, Maltese genius, and he actually calls it the principle of “Po” – the explosive Power of exploiting a suggestion, including a ridiculous or out-of-this-world idea. When brainstorming, says De Bono, even a crazy suggestion is welcome – simply think through the suggestion and a light («) may appear to illuminate the beginning of a great idea next to that crazy one! Out of the blue.

Po. During a brainstorming, alone or with a group, virtual or in-person, any think is acceptable, if crazy;  you say “Po!” and it means, “Put on!” I have been using De Bono’s Po in the last 45 years and it has never failed me.

I am now 80 years old, and have blogged at least 4,000 long essays of at least 1,000 words each (totalling about 5,000,000 words) about knowledge in Agriculture and related fields as they may affect lives positively, especially among the poor farmers; and about creative communication for development –

Why have I not run out of things to say?

There is only 1 reason: brainstarming. (Not to mention dedication and stubbornness working for a single idea – emancipation from poverty of Filipino farmers and their families.)

My creative method, which I now refer to as “brainstarming,” I want to share with anyone interested and/or train online communicators for development in Agriculture. To start, email frankahilario@gmail.com an e-copy of your article, paper, presentation, brochure, or book, and my first complete advice will be free! Why? The pleasure will be mine – and that’s priceless!@517




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