05 November 2020

For God & Country – Old Age, Senior Moments & Today’s Digital Lessons

This is An Open Letter From Frank A Hilario To Linggoy Alcuaz. From 80 To 72 Yo, On Writing For God & Country.

This is all about our enjoying our writing while enjoining our countrymen to behave wisely:
in my case employing modern knowledge in the fight for national development via agriculture;
in your case, employing classic freedom in the fight for deep-seated democracy.
(image of cross-hea
rt[1] from Pinterest)

Ah but Linggoy, you cannot have one without the other!

I write in pursuit of “The New Thinking for Agriculture” as propounded by Secretary of Agriculture William Dar, and you write in pursuit of true & honest democracy.

Frank A Hilario:
I am an agriculturist, UPLB ’65. In agriculture, I see media old, as has been outed since 45 years ago, when I started to found, one after the other, the 3 publications of the Forest Research Institute from 1975 to 1981: monthly newsletter Canopy, quarterly technical journal Sylvatrop, and quarterly popular color magazine Habitat.

Today, retired, I’m an indefatigable blogger in the field of agriculture, with at least 4,000 long essays of 1,000 words plus each, written since 2005. My latest blog where you are reading this is Brave New World PH– and I can see that you subscribe to it even if you didn’t know it exists!

Linggoy Alcuaz:
You are an indefatigable leader and voice in the field of popular democracy. I see your problem is less your audience appreciating you and more the process of your writing!

I am 80. I want to be remembered, with my 7-year old Lenovo laptop, as a modern media fighter for the emancipation of Filipino farming families from poverty into prosperity – and staying there forever and ever!

You are 72. You are “a staunch supporter of Democracy and Clean, Free and Honest Elections.”

Know what? You are not enjoying your writing, I can see that, even if you have a new Lenovo laptop. Now, I will assume that for writing you are using Word 2019; mine is Word 2016 – but you can learn from the older one!

You write:

Since I resumed my YTT column in OpinYon’s Flagship Edition on 7-13 September 2020, I have without exception exceeded my quota of 700 words.

You don’t know when to stop writing! Your word processor has a word counter at the bottom left – you never look at it. You should be the one cutting into continueds, or cutting out text, not somebody else, so that your mind remembers the part to be continued!

Linggoy, either you are forgetful, or you don’t know how to take good care of your docs. It’s not too late. If you intend to be writing columns well into your 80s and even 90s, as I do writing essays, you have to keep track of everything.

Now then, may I offer you an early Christmas gift? Email me your drafts and I will edit into continueds gratis et amore! Beginning now. (frankahilario@gmail.com)

Yes, our writings are to be continueds – For God & Country!@517



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