13 November 2020

How Do You Teach From Agriculture To Music To Research To Zamboanga? Teach How To Learn!

“The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery” – Mark Van Doren, American poet, writer & critic[1].

(art image[2] from The Quotable Quote)

This Teacher & Writer agrees! I am a graduate of a BS Agriculture degree major in Ag Education, obtained from the University of the Philippines’ College of Agriculture, now UP Los Baños, in 1965, or 55 years ago. I passed the very first Teacher’s Exam given in the Philippines the year before that, with a grade of 80.6%, not bad for a first-timer and without attending any review classes whatsoever, not even reviewing by oneself. Mostly an exam, Civil Service or not, is recall – mechanical, repetitive, and boring.

The right way to teach never changed. Teaching is Teaching, whether you are in Agriculture, Dancing, Forestry, Kinetics, Music, Ophthalmology, Painting, Research, Ultra Numbers (I have just invented this one), Watershed, or Zamboanga.

I Teacher say that in Science or in Art, the best learning is how you discover for yourself, not what you are told or shown or made to understand.

The best learning is intuiting – that is how Albert Einstein “discovered” what became the Theory of Relativity:

E = mc2
(Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.)

Einstein said he Intuited that Theory. It appeared as an inspired thought from out of the blue.

The above main image is from a Facebook sharing by Maria De Los Reyes; when I saw it, this was my comment:

The art of teaching. This must be the best definition-non-definition of teaching that I have come across with! At 80, I have been a wide reader & creative thinker in the last 50 years.

In the learning, there must be personal joy of discovery. Gardner’s multiple intelligences, MI, invites the art of discovering for oneself which one is smart at:

(1) bodily-kinesthetic (body smart)?
(2) existential (life smart)?
(3) interpersonal (people smart)?
(4) intrapersonal (self smart)?
(5) linguistic (word smart)?
(6) logical-mathematical (number/reasoning smart)?
(7) musical-rhythmic (music smart)?
(8) naturalistic (nature smart)?
(9) visual-spatial (picture smart)?

How does one discover which intelligence one has? Once you realize it, today, the art of discovering one’s “smart” or intelligence is via

unlimited explorations and journeys
into the unknown via the Internet!
Undictated upon:

Unceremoniously, an athlete at heart will explore one way or another the world of sports. How exciting!

Unconsciously, the philosopher at heart will explore life’s questions even without realizing it.

Unknowingly, the friend at heart will explore people relationships.

Unplanned, the loner will explore that which allows oneself some peace or independence.

Unthinking, the word lover will explore stories and poems.

Unguided, the argumentative at heart will explore numbers and debates.

Unaccompanied, the musical at heart will explore the world of rhythm.

Undirected, the nature lover will explore the woods or the stars.

Unnoticed, the picture lover will explore photographs or paintings.

Given all that understanding without understanding, not to mention complexity in untutored thinking by students, as teacher: Indeed, how lucky can you get?!@517



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