26 May 2021

Steve Jobs’ Single Lesson On Creativity That Made Apple The Biggest Company Ever

I love to write. To write to show my genius in concocting stories or fiction? No, to write so that I help people think better, think of winning ways. That is to say:

Many Things,
Many Thinks,
Winning Ways!

And you? Maybe not write but think of better ways, even brilliant ways out of something or other. If you don’t know it yet, you can learn to do it. We have a simple lesson from Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs was/is my idol of idols – creative, unrelenting, undefeated. Loved the digital world and what he could do to bring out its wonders: Applepersonal computer (PC), music on call at the push of a button (iPod), handy PC-in-1 (iPad), Macintosh– all business with pleasure.

To him, it was pleasure first, business second.

This morning, Tuesday, 25 May 2021 in Manila, I saw the Facebook sharing of VP Alfie (top image): “The only way to do great work is to love what you do – Steve Jobs.” (That’s how he and his great friend Steve Wozniakinvented the PC as we know it: body, monitor, mouse, keyboard, hard disk, floppy disk (now replaced with hard disk & flash drive).

Thank you, Steves! I am now 80+, thank God. Now, let me tell you how, since January 2020, I have been writing and blogging every single day! Including holidays of obligation. (And yes I do everything from blank screen to blog: Google for data & information, type the many drafts onscreen; edit; tighten; revise; and finalize into a short essay of exactly 517 words[1]including title, excluding name of author.)

Above, lower image is my Werk From Home (WFH) Kingdom. Werk, not Work because I love what I’m doing!

My way of creative thinking is from the “Po Technique” of another intellectual genius, Edward De Bono.

In the Po Technique, there are no negatives. Everything has positives, even a negative. (Try it sometime!)

Po explains how since about the year 2005, I have blogged about 5,000 long essays (1,000+ words each), and 1,000 short essays (517 words each, such as this one); that is to say: I have written and blogged thousands of essays, some of them similar or of the same topics, without plagiarizing myself!

I think the best way you can learn from me is notfor me to teach you directly how to think or how to come up with your stories, their twists and turns, but for you to read me and see for yourself those twists and turns!

I love to write, yes – not because I love to brag about how good I am at writing but to show you how good you yourself can be as teacher, persuader, initiator, motivator, follow-upper, cheerer.

Especially when it comes to Philippine Agriculture, which needs all the cheerers it can get!

I want to inspire you to do good, or to do better in what you’re doing, as long as it needs some thinking!@517

[1]“517” being the number of letters in my byline: Frank A Hilario.

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