07 June 2021

Youth Education – Nourishing Multiple Intelligences Into Multiple Entrepreneurs

Joei Villarama, proprietor of Abot Tala, a non-traditional school for youth in Manila, is having a difficult time teaching her own children.

Today, Sunday, 06 June 2021, a leisurely Sunday, I saw on Facebook Ms Joei’s sharing, “Homeschooling Is Not Easy” (upper image). She says:

Homeschooling is not easy, all the more during this time when there is no other choice… My husband and I don’t see eye to eye on certain things about homeschooling but we both want what’s best for our children even if we may have different methods… Dealing with differences is a part of life.

“Homeschooling is not easy.” Because current teaching methods are difficult! “Dealing with differences is a part of life,” she says. Inadvertently, that is her clue to excellent education!

This is a teacher speaking, with a Civil Service Professional license, obtained 1964 in the very first Teacher’s Exam given in the Philippines. 80.6%, sans reviewers.

In 1999, for the Cahbriba Alternative School founded by Pilar Habito with husband Cielito F Habito (NEDA Director General), to raise funds for the high schoolers, I packaged a proposal I simply called “Y2K.” That was the time of the forecasted millennium bug called “Y2K,” referring to Year 2000, which experts predicted will cause a digital world crash, destroying all wealth. Y2K was scaring people all over the world. Not scared, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) approved my Y2K for a P1 million funding.

Via CIDA, the Canadians showed that they knew what was good for schooling!

My Y2K proposal embodied Harvard professor Howard Gardner’s revolutionary theory of education that he called Multiple Intelligences (MI), plural. MI teaches that there are 9 intelligences in each of us:
“bodily-kinesthetic“ – gift with mobility;
“existential“ – gift with understandinghuman life;
“interpersonal“ – gift with relatingwith others;
“intrapersonal“ – gift with understandingself;
“musical“ – gift with sounds;
“naturalist“ – gift with understandingnature;
“linguistic“ – gift with language;
“logical-mathematical“ – gift with analyzingproblems; and
“spatial“ – gift with the arts.
(intelligence image[1]from University of Tennessee)

My MI advice to Ms Joei 1 or 2 years ago was that MI was the best way you can inject in education an exciting voyage of discovery for every learner, no exceptions. There are no dull individual learners, only undiscovered individual talents!

Once the youth find their individual talents via MI, on their own they will gladly find ways to improve themselves.

So, we can use MI to encourage the youth to discover that which to them is the Undiscovered Territory of Agriculture (UTA). Examples of UTA research:

Bodily-kinesthetic– discover how to reduce farming motions.

Existential– discover people’s motivations.

Interpersonal– discover how successful farmers relatewith others.

Intrapersonal– discover what counter-productive habits people have.

Musical– discover what music inspires which animals.

Naturalist– discover how nature can help.

Linguistic– discover how to turn science into practice.

Logical-Mathematical – discover what makes an enterprise successful by the numbers.

Spatial– discover how art can move farmers to succeed.

As you can see and feel, MI makes both teaching and learning exciting – isn’t that doubly beautiful?!@517



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