06 July 2021

Knowledge Management – Here’s Microsoft Office Mastered By A Filipino Journalist

Microsoft should be giving me an international award or something. I am a self-made millionaire! when it comes to publishing online – I have so far blogged 6 million+ words from 6 thousand+ essays since 2005 using MS Word. Some subjects: agriculture, forestry, extension, leadership, creativity, blogging.

How can I identify journalists anywhere in the world who have yet to master their app like Word 2016? Easy, as they do not blog – master of your worp (my shortcut for word processor), you want to blog to reach more readers more often, not encumbered by newspaper or magazine media.

I have always been a writer since I discovered my talent for writing, in senior high school yet, in 1959. Taking my BSA at UP Los Baños 1959-1965, I wrote in the student paper Aggie Green & Gold. From 1975 to 1981, I was writer, founder and Editor In Chief of the 3 publications of the Forest Research Institute (FORI): monthly newsletter Canopy, quarterly technical journal Sylvatrop, and quarterly popular magazine Habitat. With dinosaurs (large typewriters), I made FORI internationally known & respected.

My digital world started with WordStar 1 on Innocents Day, 28 December 1985. Since then, my constant companion in writing, editing, layouting, desktop publishing and blogging has been Microsoft’s worp.

I first used Microsoft Word in 1987, version 4, and I never left. That means I have been a Microsoft faithful for 34 years: Word 5, Word 97, Word XP… Word 2013, today Word 2016. I have been using Office 2016since about 3 years ago, and found this app very, very apt in my blogging.
(above, Word 2016 ima
ge[1] from My Choice Software)

My son Jomar graciously purchased for me a software license to use Office 365; the problem is I find it confusing, because it presents an entirely uncharted territory! This is a modern app that makes an old hand feel obsolete.
(above, Office 365 i
mage[2] from Computerworld)

Microsoft, what you done to Microsoft Office!?

Going back 1987: Word 97 I used in my first desktop publishing work, a book by a friend, OK Bautistatitled Introduction To Horticulture. No, that version of Word is notdedicated to desktop publishing, but I could already format texts, columns and sections with it.

From 2003 to 2008, I used Word 2002 solely for editing and desktop publishing (DTP) the quarterly Philippine Journal of Crop Science (PJCS). I learned all my DTP studying my worp how to do columns, sections, image positions etcetera. I did not use any DTP software like Aldus PageMaker or Microsoft Publisher – and was happy with the results, and yes, PJCS was happier, being finally accepted in the international elite list called “ISI” after being non-ISI for 25 years since its birth!

I have already desktop published about 20 books using from Word 1997 to Word 2016 in the last 14 years. My next stop? Word2019. Oh yes, at 80+ years of age, I’m as excited as any smart teenager about to receive a smartphone eager to learn to use it!@517



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