15 August 2021

“Smart Juan” – The Digital Renaissance Of “Juan Tamad” Into An All-Knowing Farmer

From the name identifier of a Filipino, from “Juan De La Cruz” has come a derogatory nickname: “Juan Tamad” (Lazy Juan, Lazy One). Today, I am reinventing the national ID into “Smart Juan” using the cellphone in his farming!

All sciences and all experiences in agriculture should be in the mind. Or, which is the equivalent, accessible via and readable in the ordinary cellphone.
(image of “Wisdom
[1]” from Pixabay.com;
image of
[2] from Jack Matthew)

Today, what do we need to grow in our forests & farms? Wisdom! Now is the time for all good books to come to the aid of our country! 

To read more books would result in Wisdom? In Bewilderment if you’re not careful.

I was reading Jowelle Ann Cruz’ news report, “Aboitiz Group, DA Partner To Digitalize PH Agriculture[3]” (04 August 2021, Megabites), on that date virtually launching “Byaheng Digiskarte ni Ani at Kita” – loosely translated, “digital journeys for harvests and earnings” (above, text image superimposed):

Recognizing the value of innovation and technology to advance business and communities especially amid the pandemic, the Aboitiz Group in partnership with the Department of Agriculture (DA) launched “Byaheng Digiskarte ni Ani at Kita” or BiDA Kita. BiDA Kita is a mentoring program designed to help agri-enterprises become digital and it is aligned with the key strategy of One DA Reform Agenda, which is Technology, Innovation and Digital Agriculture.

“Designed to help agri-enterprises become digital” – why not “Designed to help Juan De La Cruz, the farmer, become Smart Juan who is adept at using the cellphone anywhere as his partner in his farming?!”

But there is a problem: How can the cellphone help a non-high school farmer google for aggie information? And there is an even bigger and prior problem: There is no Knowledge Bank easy for farmers to use and turn them all into Smart Juans.

Precisely! That’s why I am proposing the digital construct I call SMART JUAN, which is acronym for: Stored Matter Adapted To Rural Terrain Translated For Johns Utilizing  Agricultural Notes, Notions, Novelties In Science.

As a Knowledge Bank, Smart Juan will comprise the latest science, thinking and experiences in crops & livestock, including harvesting, processing and marketing in the Philippines and in other Southeast Asian countries.

(Some mentoring required. If the farmer does not understand, there’s the Municipal Agriculturist.)

How do you make Smart Juan, a Knowledge Bank, a source of wisdom? Put in Options.

How does it work? Take rice. There are selections for varieties: heirloom, hybrid, inbred.  

Farmer types into his cellphone (or personal computer): “rice Asingan” then presses/clicks Go/Enter. (With “rice Asingan,” the farmer is restricting his search to “rice good for the town of Asingan in Pangasinan.”) Smart Juan asks him to click any of the entries:

Heirloom Rice – (varieties listed)
Hybrid Rice – (varieties listed)
Inbred Rice. – (varieties listed)

Farmer clicks the mouse or presses the screen on the item s/he is interested in or wants to know more about. The beginning of A Journey Of Wisdom In Agriculture!@517




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