25 June 2022

BBM Sir, About The Negative Media, If You Want It Done Right, You Have To Do It Yourself! This Ilocano Recommends Setting Up A Media Group Called “Bloggers for Building Minds Media (BBM Media) – THiNK! Journalism For National Development

All over Facebook, the #1 website of Filipinos, media posts from the North (Ilocano) to lower Luzon (Bicolano) to the Visayas (Bisaya) to the South (Muslim), the news and views are mostly negative. I call it “Stink Journalism.” Mine is “THiNK! Journalism” – and here I volunteer from Asingan, Pangasinan, to help you, Sir Ferdinand “BBM” Marcos Jr, to think development & act positively!

(Image sources: “CNN Live,” Yahoo!News, ph.news.yahoo.com); “Positive News,” Favpng, favpng.com)

My advice is to fund a new media group whose outputs will soar above Stink Journalism – I call it “THiNK! Journalism,” the concept & term which I invented myself blogging about it almost 5 years ago, on 24 Oct 2017 (“THiNK! Journalism: Calling For Nobler Kinds Of People In Media,” Creative Thinkering, creativethinkering.blogspot.com).

Now then, BBM Sir, I urge you not simply to call for nobler kinds of people in media but to form a media group yourself, bloggers et al, with strict instructions to be always creative and to always practice THiNK! Journalism. Which works like this:

True is it? If True,
Helpful is it? If Helpful,
Inspiring is it? If Inspiring,
Necessary is it? If Necessary,
Kind is it?
THiNK! Then go ahead with Your Journalism. expressing Your Patriotism.

I am calling your to-be-set-up group
“Bloggers for Building Minds” Media (BBM Media).

I am ready, willing and able to extend my skills in creative writing, editing, layouting, desktop publishing, up to the creation of the portable-document-format (pdf) pages – all digital. After me, you are ready to:

1.     Upload your text + visual output to the website, say, bbmmedia.com.

2.     Print commercial copies. All you need is a commercial printer, and BBM Media will purchase a print-on-demand printer, for instant hard copies in 5 minutes or so!

For BBM Media:
“The sky’s the limit – and your imagination is the sky!”
That quote is my original, 13 years old (see 07 April 2009, “BrainShopping. Now, You Can Forget About BrainStorming!” Frank A Hilario, frankahilario.blogspot.com).

With me as all-digital Editor In Chief for BBM Media, nobody will run out of new ideas; new stories! Unparalleled Creativity – How else could I, writer from home (WFH) have bloggedeveryday in the last 3 years, am now 81+?!

Special note: Frank A Hilario has a BS Agriculture degree from UP Los Baños, 1965. I have the sole distinction of being honored as “Outstanding Alumnus for Creative Writing” (2011), the first and the only one so far in the 100-year-plus history of UPLB.

BBM Media – Personally, you could initially fund it with P5 million: Central office, people, print-on-demand printer; journalists in digital offices (mostly WFH) – with personal computers, extension monitors, printers, supplies of ink and paper – including Internet setups.

BBM Media will come up with Positive News; it will “Change the news for good.” THiNK! Journalism will go for development of the islands from North to South. Let’s begin today!@517

22 June 2022

BBM Sir, As Interim Agriculture Secretary, I Hope You Will See That, Among Other Things, PH Agriculture Needs A Digital Library That Encourages Learning About Intelligent Farming To Fight Poverty Alongside Climate Change!

I am confident these wide-awake dreams will come true: (1) “P20/kg rice” and (2) “Ang Bagong BBM” (Ang Bagong Balangkas na Bibliya para sa Magsasaka”), or “The BBM Digital Library,” a cellphone-ready knowledge source for highschoolers to visit and draw inspiration and instructions from science publications.

Thank you Evelyn P Antonio for sharing this quote from an American hero of sociology, history, civil rights activism, and writing (Wikipedia, en.wikipedia.org): WEB Du Bois; I identify with his determination to fight for the “Prosperity Of A Nation,” even for his race, the American Black:

We should measure the prosperity of a nation not by the number of millionaires, but by the absence of poverty, the prevalence of health, the efficiency of the public schools, and the number of people who can and do read worthwhile books.

BBM Sir, as a BSA graduate major in Agricultural Education from UP Los Baños (1965), I am with you in agriculture even as I have been writing and fighting for our race, the Filipino people, blogging since 2000. I want you to know also that I am a self-taught blogger.

In 1975, non-digitally I began this fight when I was employed by the Forest Research Institute (FORI) – now the Ecosystems Research & Development Bureau (ERDB) – where I would become Founder & Editor in Chief of the 3 FORI publications: the monthly newsletter Canopy, quarterly technical journal Sylvatrop, and quarterly color magazine Habitat that I patterned after the American National Geographic.

In January 2000, I was engaged as WFH (Writer From Home) by the India-based International Crops Research Institute (ICRISAT) that was then headed by now-PH Secretary of Agriculture William Dar. From Mr Dar, the hopeful slogan of ICRISAT was “Science with a human face.”

Along with Mr Dar, my desire is that, with science applied, the poor we shall not always have with us!

In 2011, I received from UPLB Alumni Association (UPLBAA) the “Outstanding Alumnus for Creative Writing.” I was the first to receive such award, and the only one up to now. I cannot thank Elpidio “Pids” L Rosario as UPLBAA head enough! Already, at that time, ICRISAT had published 3 of my science books; I cannot thank ICRISAT enough!

Why am I telling you all this? To help the Secretary of Agriculture fight poverty as well as climate change. Via an Agriculture Digital Library that needs to be set up. BBM, Sir, you could easily assign a multi-billion-peso budget to it!

“Ang Bagong BBM” is that new digital library, my suggestion to you, BBM Sir – but I must acknowledge an intellectual debt from the former Director General of ICRISAT, Mr Dar. He called the digital library “Open Academy for Philippine Agriculture” (OpAPA); I borrowed from OpAPA, which I now call “Ang Bagong BBM” – to which everyone can share their intellectualizations.

So, BBM, Sir? When do we start building this new cellphone-ready knowledge library? Ready when you are!@517

18 June 2022

“Brain Power To The People!” PH’s Next Secretary Of Agriculture Should Be A Scientist & Must Adopt William Dar’s Animating Mantra “Science With A Human Face” For Me To Intellectually Support Him!

With this essay, this UP Los Baños alumnus and everyday blogger even at 81+ practicing his original brainchild “Communication for Village Development in the 21st Century” (CoViD21) – for dreams must never die! I challenge all PH bodies that have to do with agricultural research & development (R&D) to demonstrate any single technology (process or product) with at least 3 CoViD21 simultaneous objectives: fight unhealthy foods, fight farmer poverty, and fight climate change!

“Science with a human face” was the mantra of now-Department of Agriculture (DA) head William Darwhen he was Director General (DG) of the India-based International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-AridTropics (ICRISAT), 2000-2014. I am issuing this public challenge today, responding to Facebook criticisms of Gus Molina& Jose Reaño (GM&JR), which to me are anti-PH progress:
(images: “CPU Mind” from Larastock, larastock.com; “William Dar inspiring assembled people” from PNA, pna.gov.ph)

Instead of opening our Big Mouth, let us open our Big Brain!

Today, my brainstorm is:

“Fertilizer-Free Farming.”

Now then, GM&JR, since you have appeared very negative about the current PH Agriculture total situation, let me challenge you with my brand of “Science with a human face.” I dare you to be the CO-Supervising Scientists of a new R&D project:

“Miracle Rice 300 Regenerative Agriculture Of The Los Baños Science Community.”

I will be the Project Manager. You will arrange for a 2-5 ha of farm for a techno demo, going for 300 cavans/ha. You have properties in Bay, Laguna and as Supervising Scientists, you will be the first to witness, just in case, the failure of my farmer brain. Ah, but I am sure science will show its smiling human face with this brain-splash of mine!

Bay, Laguna is the perfect site for aggie brain-shows because it lies literally next door to the Los Baños Science Community, which is composed of 7 institutions: ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity, International Potato Center, IRRI, PCAARRD, PhilRice Los Baños Station, SEARCA, and UP Los Baños.

My more memorable name for my GM&JR proposal is “Lazy Juan Farming” – because it:

(1)   Eliminates plowing, harrowing & leveling

(2)   Eliminates transplanting

(3)   Multiplies yield of any crop

(4)   Multiplies net income of the farmer

(5)   Eliminates chemical fertilizers & pesticides – zero greenhouse gases!

This science-based brainstorm of mine is actually giving “Brain Power To the People!” where they live and farm.

This fertilizer-free farming method had actually beenquietly practiced for about 40 years by my brother-in-law Enso Casasos in my hometown Asingan, Pangasinan. (I have been writing about it in my blog Towards A New Eden, Blogspot.com.)

Total funds may be P570,000, including professional fees and digital instruments. We will need digital cameras with artificial intelligence capabilities, laptops, Internet connections – so that in subsequent encounters, communication/advice can be digital yet visual. We can ask Mr Dar and/or the DA for funding.

So, GM&JR, will you accept my Lazy Juan Challenge? To Good be the Glory!@517

14 June 2022

“Thinking Globally, Acting Globally”! PH Agriculture Should Be, As I Put It On The Cover Of My 7th Book Published By ICRISAT – Let Us Ask How? Director General William Dar

“Thinking globally, acting globally.” Succeeding, William Dar needs at least the next 6 years as Secretary of Agriculture to lead us Filipinos from a disagreeable-business to agribusiness desired!

Honestly, we Filipinos need a wide-angled leadership of our agriculture to inspire our farmers and fishers to escape the prison of poverty and explore the outside universe of prosperity. Now then, we must continue with Mr Dar inspiring us to achieve “Masaganang Ani at Mataas na Kita” (“Bountiful Harvests & Bounteous Income” – my translation).

Why Mr Dar as the next PH Secretary of Agriculture? Let me give my forthright thoughts – we need someone with:

1.     international experience as science leader;

2.     100% empathy for poor farmers;

3.     wide-angled, ie, global view of Agriculture;

4.     proven hard work for country, preferably Ilocano;

5.     implements “Science with a human face.”

Allow me to elaborate:

1.   Global Experience As Science Leader

Above, from the cover of my 7th book on the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) published by ICRISAT – note millionaire Bill Gates (blue shirt) and ICRISAT Director General (DG) William Dar(white). Mr Gates visited ICRISAT on 31 May 2013 after donating $ Millions via Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, funding institutional partnerships in Africa and Asia. I wrote on page 45 of my book:

Bill Gates is not Ambassador of Microsoft Goodwill this time; he is Ambassador of Good Works – he has pledged his billions to the art and science of what he calls “creative capitalism.”

And? Up to today, I say Mr Dar is ambassador of “Creative Agriculture.”

2.   100% Empathy For Poor Farmers

Indeed, he is much acquainted with poverty. Mr Dar came from a poor Ilocano family unable to send him to high school – his uncle did.

3.   Wide-Angled View Of Agriculture

Leading and visiting projects of ICRISAT in Asian and African countries, Mr Dar developed an unusual panoramic view. In photography, a wide-angle lens will capture more than you usually see at a glance, background and foreground – a view for planning & acting.

The cover of my book, the title of which also came from me, also says “ICRISAT & PARTNERS: Thinking Globally, Acting Globally.” Mr Dar knows that – while you act locally, you must think globally again & again. He anticipated that by coming out with his “The New Thinking For Agriculture” (Philippines), bringing it in when he became Secretary of Agriculture 2+ years ago.

4.   Hardworking Ilocano for his country

Mr Dar is one diligent Ilocano – a not-so-public display of that is, retired from ICRISAT as DG, coming back to his country, he founded and became President of The InangLupa Movement – he is dedicated to the good of his Inanglupa(Motherland) Philippines!

5.   implements “Science With A Human Face”

“Science with a human face” was his successful mantra for ICRISAT. Today, as Secretary of Agriculture, Mr Dar is implementing “Science with a human face” dedicated to all Filipinos. Honestly. Faithfully.@517

11 June 2022

New Thinking For Agriculture! Double Challenge: To Philippine Agricultural Journalists (PAJ) members: “Masaganang Balita At Mataas Na Ani” (Bountiful News & Bounteous Harvests)

Why members of the Philippine Agricultural Journalists (PAJ) have yet to herald their own “Masaganang Ani At Mataas Na Kita” (Bountiful Harvests & Bounteous Income)? Except in the Binhi Awards – and that which I fathered.

Secretary of Agriculture William Dar fathered The New Thinking For Agriculture some 3 years ago before 06 August 2019, the day he was appointed as head of the Department of Agriculture (DA) by outgoing President Rodrigo R Duterte.

What about New Journalism for The New Thinking? I have yet to see many instances of the news & views written by PAJ members on The New Thinking (TNT), which of course is dynamite! For PH Agriculture.

Scary? I have yet to see members of the PAJ active in promoting non-scary science to the farmers.

Public journalism is for the public good. In agriculture, it seems to me the PAJ members have yet to deliver the goods! Via Popular Science.

Let’s review some history of aggie journalism.

ANN says PAJ executive officers led by President Alfredo Gabot (unidentified in above photograph) paid a courtesy call 10 Oct 2019, just 2 months after Mr Dar was appointed Secretary (Author Not Named, undated, “Meeting With PAJ Executive Officers,” da.gov.ph):

PAJ, organized on September 10, 1976, is a group of newsmen and information writers. The association aimed to improve the craft and standards of journalism by yearly launching the “BINHI Agricultural Journalism Awards.”

The PAJ execs in the courtesy visit were Fermin Diaz of LaMB Magazine; Noel Reyes, DA spokesperson and assistant secretary for communications and media affairs; Ma Ruby Lumongsod of Quedancor; Ma Aileen Garcia of IRRI; Inez Magbual of Best Media Source Corp; Thelma Tolentino of Farm Book; Michael Alunan of Business Mirror; and Rolly Gonzalo of DWIZ Radio. Also present were members of the PAJ Board of Directors: Roman Floresca, Johnny Goloyugo, and Melly Tenorio.

ANN says:

During the meeting, Dar called on the PAJ officers to strengthen their partnership with DA particularly in promoting its programs and elevate the quality of reportage in the sector.

Mr Dar’s challenge: “Elevate the quality of reportage in the sector” of Agriculture. Right challenge, right people!

PAJ was organized in 1976 by newsmen (embracing women). I came up with the “Binhi Awards” (name & concept), sowing the seeds of fruitful and vibrant aggie journalism, with financial rewards from the private sector. And Doroy Valencia, bless his soul! sponsored it.

Since August 2019, I have yet to see PAJ executive officers activein promoting Mr Dar’s “New Thinking For Agriculture,” the package of which contains Mr Dar’s – which should be every PAJ members’ – new thinking on environmentally-threatened Philippine agriculture, with “8 paradigms” that are “feeder roots” to The New Thinking Tree.

My guess is that Mr Dar has brought to PH Agriculture the complete science that it needs – and our journalists are not at ease with any part of it. In effect, our journalists are ignoring the once-in-a-lifetime Servant Leadership in Science of Mr Dar!@517

07 June 2022

When The New World & The New Beings Met, The Humans Forgot About Being True To Mother Earth, She Who Gave Them Their Genes And Geniuses!

05 June 2022, this year, it is “World Environment Day” with its slogan “OnlyOneEarth.” And to that last thought I now add, “OnlyOneMotherNature.” (We Roman Catholics celebrate it as “Pentecost Sunday,” birthday of our beloved Roman Catholic Church.)

Above, I see plowed soil turned mud piles around an ocean of dark water. Our farmers turn a lusty green field (right) into a lake of water and mud (left) – and nearby UP Los Baños approves, or does not object! This field is actually for growing flower crops, but a ricefield is treated exactly the same in the beginning. I should know – I am a farmer’s son in Asingan, Pangasinan. (Have you seen IRRI’s experimental fields?)
(Images: “Pentecost Sunday” from Facebook sharing of Irma Santos Paulme;
field shot by me 09 Dec 2016 in Laguna)

Now I will mix religion with agriculture. The Catholics believe in miracles, and I Catholic can demonstrate a miracle via the ricefield!

I can grow rice without any fertilizer and outyield my neighbor farmers all the time!

No, I don’t own a farm – but we did; and many years ago, I was with my brother-in-law Enso Casasos, farmhand to my aging father, and I told the operator of the huge Howard tractor with the huge rotavator blades – to simply run that monster over the field setting depth of cut to zero. I was going to turn those weeds into natural fertilizer in a miraculous way:

With my rotavator method, immediately, an earthly miracle happens – that machine-made & machine-distributed layer of trash starts to turn itself into an organic mulch that has all the natural richness crops need!

You cannot find a more-fertile fertilizer than that layer of trash created by that rotavator idly running following man’s instructions!

Enso treasured that Asingan rotavator episode. And so, about 20 years later, when I visited my barrio Sanchez in my hometown, Enso told me in so many words:

Manong, malagipmo ni Papang (my father Dionisio whom Enso also called “Papang” in respect and closeness) ken daydi insurom iti daydi Howard operator ti rotavator idiay Domanpot? Umisisem ti bangbangir! Ket pinadasko. Itatta, dagiti kaarrubak nga mannalon, agsidsiddaawda latta gapu to uray ania ti aramidenda, tuladenda amin nga makitada nga araramidek, apay ket dida maala ti apitko nga nagngato? Maabakda latta agingga ita!

[(My free translation: “Manong (elder brother in Ilocano), do you remember Papang and what you instructed the Howard rotavator in Domanpot? He was smiling on one side of his face! (Me: I told him to set the depth of cut to zero, nil, because I knew that the rotavator set was itself so heavy it will cut into the soil anyway – and so the rotavator was hardly using any diesel fuel to run it!) I tried it myself, and my neighbor farmers have been copying everything I have been doing – but never could match my yield!]

If you follow the laws of Mother Earth, she will grant all your wishes!@517

06 June 2022

Teddy Boy Locsin Wrongfully Underrates Blogging As Modern Journalism, While Sara Duterte Rightfully Protests Negative Tweeting – I Blogger State That Digital Media Must Mediate In Favor Of Society!

This blogger says I forgive Teddy Boy for saying, “There is no journalism on social media” as quoted by Job Manahan (04 June 2022, “Locsin On Bloggers: ‘There Is No Journalism On Social Media’,” ABS-CBN News, news.abs-cbn.com).

Not meant as an insult, but an insult nevertheless: “There is no journalism on social media” – Teddy Boy’s 7 words of un-wisdom. As a blogger of some 8,000,000 (8 Million) words today since 2000, I forgive him, as there is no school for bloggers – I learned on my own starting 1997, or 25 years ago.

“There is no journalism on social media” – let’s see how it goes. What is the purpose of journalism? The American Press Institute quotes Bill Kovach & Tom Rosenstiel from their book The Elements Of Journalism (americanpressinstitute.org):

The purpose of journalism is [neither] defined by technology, nor by journalists, [nor] the techniques they employ. [Instead], the principles and purpose of journalism are defined by something more basic: the function news plays in the lives of people.

I now say journalism is both news and views. Modern journalism exists in blogs, vlogs, print & broadcast media. We bloggers rely on texts & inert images while vloggers rely on video. The high purpose of news is to communicate facts; the high function of views is to verify and/or intensify/sanctify news.

Teddy Boy, don’t tell me that only what appears in print media is journalism and blogging is only bragging! Among other things, you are definitely discrediting Trixie Cruz Angeles, the appointed Press Secretary of ascendant President Ferdinand “BBM” Marcos Jr, who, Krixia Subingsubing & Nestor Corrales say, want to eagerly admit vloggers into Malacañang press conferences (02 June 2022, “Accrediting Vloggers A Palace Media Priority,” Inquirer.net, newsinfo.inquirer.net).

Here comes ascendant Vice President Sara Duterte castigating Raissa Robles: “Sara Duterte Slams Journalist For ‘Demonization‘ Of Mindanao” (John Eric Mendoza, 05 June 2022, Inquirer.net, newsinfo.inquirer.net). Ms Sara walloped vlogger Ms Raissa for her sad and sadistic tweet on the published plan of ascendant Tourism Secretary Christina Frasco “to open up tourism in Mindanao despite the presence of the terrorist Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) in the region.” Ms Raissa tweeted:

I’m sure the extremist Abu Sayyaf and other bandits would be pleased by the prospects of so many potential kidnap victims…Way to go, Frasco. Prep yourself for ransom negotiations. ASG might ask you to nego personally.

If that tweet isn’t inane, it’s insane! Sane Ms Sara is fuming mad. Considering, she has been long the Mayor of Davao City, the central city of Mindanao. She found the tweet “replete with journalistic recklessness and irresponsibility.” She also said, “What Robles [said] was a demonization of Mindanao and an insult to its people.”

Indeed, since social media is open to anybody wanting to say something, it is quite a temptation to mock people and think one can get away with it. Shame on you, Raissa Robles! Freedom of the Press is not Freedom to Oppress.@517

01 June 2022

My Proposal: Unlimited-Usable Popular-Language Bank For Advancing Agriculture (UPLB for A2) – What You See Right Now Should Be A Portent Of Things To Come!

For many years now, right after the painting-filled gate of UP Los Baños at the foot of Mt Makiling, you can’t miss 2 ultra-large modern digital screens (left shown above) – and all you can say, as an alumnus, is? Wow!

(photo taken by me 08 Sept 2018)

The digital screen says, “October 10. Luncheon Salu-salo and Raffle Cultural Night.” (Salu-salo, party) This was for the celebration of Loyalty Day, the most attended yearly occasion by alumni of UPCA, now UP Los Baños (UPLB). It was the Centennial Loyalty Day. [You know what? In 1967, I wrote the heart-tugging open-letter “What Did You Do In The War, Daddy?” that singlehandedly changed the Target of Loyalty from vague American (WW1) to Filipino patriotism.]

Above, behind the modern screen you see an ancient tree, one large branch chopped off to accommodate (?) that 21st century screen. To me, the hidden message is this:

While you don’t get rid of the olden,
you must get on with the modern!

Is my alma mater UPLB that modern in Research, Development and Extension (RD&E)? Yes. And No!

UPLB Extension is ancient, as intimated by the Carabao Park (left of image) that to this day displays carabao heads and a man with a plow. With knowledge dating back 100 years, UPLB continues to ignore the Internet as a medium for its Extension works!

UPLB has nothing remotely like the Open Academy for Philippine Agriculture (OpAPA), concept proposal for OpAPA forwarded 19 years ago by then-Director General William Dar of India-based ICRISAT, sister to IRRI in the Philippines. Mr Dar is now PH Secretary of Agriculture – while his OpAPA has been lost in time!

I know. PhilRice recruited me as a consultant for OpAPA, and I wrote a digital book I called The Geography Of Science, 198 pages, detailing how the OpAPA dream could be turned into reality; that book is with me still. Today, the digital world of Philippine agriculture is sleeping and I am still dreaming!

With that ultra-modern screen for passersby, you would think UPLB is ultra-modern, and you would be ultra-disappointed!

An alumnus, I am a BSA major in Ag Edu, 2.36 Weighted Average, with a Civil Service Professional license, 80.6%. Towards the end of 1985, about 37 years ago, I began teaching myself digital writing, editing, image manipulation, layouting, up to desktop publishing. The Hilarios connected to the Internet in 1997; I began blogging in 2000.

My blogging is not primarily motivated by personal glory or profit – it is to serve Philippine Agriculture in a thousand ways more than UPLB has been doing!

Via this essay, this alumnus proposes that a digital Unlimited-Usable Popular-Language Bank For Advancing Agriculture(UPLB for A2) be generated for easy use by extensionists and farmers anywhere anytime – library-able via cellphone. Extension is what is missing in PH Agriculture today!

Hopefully with P17 Million funding from the Department of Agriculture (DA) – the DA knows that knowledge must reach the farmers anyhow anytime!@517

Pope Francis’ Suggestions For Fasting” – Time To Fast Every Single Day Of The Year!

At about 6:40 AM today, Thursday, 06 March 2025, I find myself reading the Facebook post “Pope Francis’ Suggestions For Fasting,” Surprise! ...