07 June 2022

When The New World & The New Beings Met, The Humans Forgot About Being True To Mother Earth, She Who Gave Them Their Genes And Geniuses!

05 June 2022, this year, it is “World Environment Day” with its slogan “OnlyOneEarth.” And to that last thought I now add, “OnlyOneMotherNature.” (We Roman Catholics celebrate it as “Pentecost Sunday,” birthday of our beloved Roman Catholic Church.)

Above, I see plowed soil turned mud piles around an ocean of dark water. Our farmers turn a lusty green field (right) into a lake of water and mud (left) – and nearby UP Los Baños approves, or does not object! This field is actually for growing flower crops, but a ricefield is treated exactly the same in the beginning. I should know – I am a farmer’s son in Asingan, Pangasinan. (Have you seen IRRI’s experimental fields?)
(Images: “Pentecost Sunday” from Facebook sharing of Irma Santos Paulme;
field shot by me 09 Dec 2016 in Laguna)

Now I will mix religion with agriculture. The Catholics believe in miracles, and I Catholic can demonstrate a miracle via the ricefield!

I can grow rice without any fertilizer and outyield my neighbor farmers all the time!

No, I don’t own a farm – but we did; and many years ago, I was with my brother-in-law Enso Casasos, farmhand to my aging father, and I told the operator of the huge Howard tractor with the huge rotavator blades – to simply run that monster over the field setting depth of cut to zero. I was going to turn those weeds into natural fertilizer in a miraculous way:

With my rotavator method, immediately, an earthly miracle happens – that machine-made & machine-distributed layer of trash starts to turn itself into an organic mulch that has all the natural richness crops need!

You cannot find a more-fertile fertilizer than that layer of trash created by that rotavator idly running following man’s instructions!

Enso treasured that Asingan rotavator episode. And so, about 20 years later, when I visited my barrio Sanchez in my hometown, Enso told me in so many words:

Manong, malagipmo ni Papang (my father Dionisio whom Enso also called “Papang” in respect and closeness) ken daydi insurom iti daydi Howard operator ti rotavator idiay Domanpot? Umisisem ti bangbangir! Ket pinadasko. Itatta, dagiti kaarrubak nga mannalon, agsidsiddaawda latta gapu to uray ania ti aramidenda, tuladenda amin nga makitada nga araramidek, apay ket dida maala ti apitko nga nagngato? Maabakda latta agingga ita!

[(My free translation: “Manong (elder brother in Ilocano), do you remember Papang and what you instructed the Howard rotavator in Domanpot? He was smiling on one side of his face! (Me: I told him to set the depth of cut to zero, nil, because I knew that the rotavator set was itself so heavy it will cut into the soil anyway – and so the rotavator was hardly using any diesel fuel to run it!) I tried it myself, and my neighbor farmers have been copying everything I have been doing – but never could match my yield!]

If you follow the laws of Mother Earth, she will grant all your wishes!@517

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