07 November 2022

“Climate Change Agriculture” – BBM Sir, With That Package You Have A Major Reason For Budget Request For Billions For Citizen Protection And Cultivator Prosperity!

BBM Sir, being Secretary of PH Agriculture is the damnedest good reason for demanding from Congress a budget by the billions (plural)! The climate threat from all sides you can “see” from the above image, “Philippine Exposure Map On Climate Change” by UPLB researcher Elaine Matanguihan (18 Nov 2018, “Philippines Biofuels Act Of 2006 For Pollution Control Policy Evaluation,” researchgate.net). The image is old; the threat is much older!

Pollution is nothing! The image-graph actually recites Climate Change effects. Thus, Cluster X states:

Extreme heating events; increasing ocean temperature; extreme rainfall events; disturbed water budget; sea level rise.

I added the hand tractor with rotavator blades because I believe Agriculture is a major source of greenhouse gases (GHGs) that produce Climate Change! BBM Sir, you are sitting on the Big Source of and therefore the Big Solution to Climate Change – Agriculture!

No, not even my favorite Secretary of Agriculture William Dar is sold to the idea that all fertilizers and pesticides in PH farmlands should be organic. Mr Dar is for “Balanced Fertilization” (BF) – but the chemical part of BF continues to be the source of GHGs, and that is not acceptable.

So BBM Sir, I urge you as PH President and concurrently Secretary of Agriculture to request, nay, demand, from Congress a “Climate Change Agriculture” budget by the billions of pesos to include the following items to give free to farmers:

1.     organic fertilizers & pesticides

2.     seeds of rice, inbred and hybrid

3.     farm equipment for cultivation, harvesting, storage and processing into products

4.     rotavators redesigned – to prevent cultivation that increases emissions of GHGs.

4. The Climate Change Rotavator 

Today, the ubiquitous off-the-shelf rotavator is “an easy way to remove weeds and loosen soil while preparing the bed for planting” (Jackson & Gocher, jacksonandgocher.co.uk).

Hah! The rotavator used “to remove weeds” is the unintelligent part – weeds make good organic fertilizer!

In my hometown Asingan, Pangasinan, 57 years ago my brother-in-law Enso Casasos had done exactly as I instructed the operator of the big Howard rotavator – and his yields always had far exceeded his neighbor farmers who neither knew nor noticed what to do exactly with their rotavators. Today, we need the “Climate Change Rotavator!”

Climate Change Rotavator Budget Proposed: P1.7 million for the redesign including purchases of materials, P0.5 million for techno demos in all regions of the country.

What that Climate Change Rotavator will do every time is to automatically cut the weeds and soil and mix them together in each rotating motion, so that at the end of a stretch, an organic mulch has been createdand distributed – all over the field. My original idea.

The organic mulch provides fertility to the soil and natural robustness to the crops that will bear healthy produce – to enrich the bodies of food consumers and pockets of farmers. We must do away with chemical fertilizers and pesticides!

BBM Sir, Climate Change Agriculture will undoubtedly increase Filipino Protection and Farmer Prosperity. Making History!@517


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