22 November 2022

Rappler As News Group Does Think Digital, But Why Is Rappler Still Practicing The Bare Truth Journalism Instead Of The Better Truth Journalism!?

Above: Rappler journalists at the office, too serious for comfort and most importantly, for creativity! No matter the newness of those personal computers (PCs) and no matter the seating arrangements, Rappler people are still thinking Old Journalism, what I call “Truth Journalism,” the opposite of “Rotary Journalism” – “Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?”

The top image is from “Rappler Job Openings” (rappler.com); I got it when I clicked on Angelica Cyril C Adivoso’s Facebook sharing Monday, 21 Nov 2022. I was interested in the journalism Rappler continues to practice – Nothing new! Rappler calls its own “Investigative journalism.” Whatever. The world’s journalism will never pass the Rotary 4-Way Test!

When I clicked the Facebook sharing, I found old news – 07 March 2017, or 5+ years old! I don’t know what prompted Ms Angelica to share it, but I'm glad she did because I can see that:

Rappler is improving the lives of its journalists working at the office – but not the lives of the people they are working for. From its Mission Statement: “Rappler aims to speak truth to power and build communities of action for a better world.” Where are those “communities of action”? Asking for a friend!

The job openings at Rappler in 2017 were:

Programmatic Advertising Manager
Ad Operations Lead
Chief Technology Officer
Lead Quality Assurance Engineer
Application Support Engineer
Senior Content Strategist
Senior Data Analyst
Data Analyst
Data Curator
Community & Digital Communications Specialist.

Did you notice anything peculiar? I did! With all those PCs, Rappler now truly thinks digital, and now wants to build up its data processing staff – it now wants to digest the “facts” that some people claim as true, especially government officials, when the data shows otherwise. “Your Truth is Lesser than Ours!”
(“Think Digital” from techstartups.com)

Rappler – Time for intellectual change! Not only instrumental change. What do I mean? I mean, instead of journalism against the Bad People in Government, why not journalism against the Bad in Society: People Poverty and Climate Change? I would call it “Communication for Rational Development" (ComRaDe).

No, I am not applying for a job at Rappler’s now, but if they change their style from radical to what I would call “comradical,” I will!

Neither is it for me to say how Rappler will do it; it has to discover by itself how as a group it can pursue journalism that will help government and people fight People Poverty and Climate Change.

In any case, I can give inspiration to Rappler journalists – as agriculturist (UP Los Baños, BSA major in Ag Edu, 1965); “Outstanding Alumnus For Creative Writing,” 2011 (the one and only in the 100-year history of the UP System) – I have been pursuing “Regenerative Agriculture” that I have scaled for my purpose into a single principle: “Organic Agriculture.” Proselytizing for organic agriculture, happily I have my hands, head & heart full!@517


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