25 December 2022

Did God Send His Son To The World To Show Love? More Than That – He Sent Him To Show How To Share Love!

25 December 2022, Christmas Day in Manila, Sunday; we believers celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, Son of God. And now I ask: “Did God send his son to show love?” My Roman Catholic reply: “The only way to show love is to share it.” And not only one day of the year!

Here comes ANN with Rappler and its corporate campaign to “#ShareLove This Holiday Season, One Good Deed At A Time” (Author Not Named, 16 Dec 2022, rappler.com).

Rappler’s #ShareLove considered, how do you react to this news from Africa; ANN says, “Africa Must Heal Itself – And Not Rely On America” (Author Not Named, 22 Dec 2022, The Patriot Post, patriotpost.us/opinion). Do we call America selfish?

Ah, but that exactly is the reason why I began by asking why God sent his son to the world – to show how to share love!

How much you share, that is the measure of your love.
(“Share” from Rappler)

There is poverty in the world because people are selfish. They say they love God, but they do not share their blessings with their fellowmen.
(“Poverty” from christiantruthcenter.com)

And how can Africa heal itself and not rely on America? Same as how the Philippines can heal itself and not rely on America!

Combatting Climate Change – Right now, selfish countries are not paying much attention beyond COP27 claims they are trying to reduce emissions.

Here is what Natalia Alyza et al have to say (08 Dec 2022, “COP27: Key Takeaways And What’s Next,” World Resources Institute, wri.org): “Countries at COP27 agreed to outcomes that reflected only modest, incremental progress on reducing emissions.”

“Only modest, incremental progress” – and this is already the 27th year that the United Nations is meeting on climate change!

I will now repeat my mantra that Regenerative Agriculture (RA) is what every country in the world, big or small, should apply without paying much attention to the progress of those interminable Conferences of Parties – they are not helping the world cope with climate change!

I see that Organic Agriculture (OA), which is a method of RA, is the one stone that can shoot two birds: Farmer Poverty and Climate Change.

I look at organic farming as sharing:

1.     Sharing the rich soil.
Organic farming results in crops sharing the natural richness of the soil via trash farming – the trash is utilized as wealth, not wasted.

2.     Sharing the rich harvests.
With naturally rich soils, it follows that the harvests of farmers are rich.

3.     Sharing the rich foods.
The harvests are of leaves, stems, root and fruits that are naturally rich in food elements that are good for the body of any consumer.

4.     Sharing the rich incomes.
With low costs of farming, the farmers undoubtedly become richer.

5.     Sharing the rich countryside.
Organic methods do not generate greenhouse gases that generate climate change.

Organic farming is sharing love, sharing the goodness of the Earth with plants and animals and people in the countryside!@517


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