11 December 2022

The Editor In Chief – All Digital, At Your Service

Looking for an editor for your technical manuscript? You came to the right place!

May I introduce myself, a full-blooded Ilocano farmer’s son: who learned to adore the English language when he was in high school in 1953; who graduated from UPCA, now UP Los Baños, in 1965 with a BSA major in Ag Edu, and the year before passed the Civil Service Professional for teachers; who taught himself digital writing and editing starting Innocents Day 1985 – who believes he must have been a good teacher because he continued to teach himself & graduated to digital desktop publishing (DTP) and has since digitally edited countless theses, journals and books (some his own).

I am a one-of-a-kind editor. I googled for “PC Editor” and the images above are from Clipart Library (clipart-library.com), which has a collection of 46 “Editor Cliparts” showing only 3 people with a PC – 7%, indicating that 93% of editors in the world are still working with typed or printed pages and very few editors are working in the digital world. (Image above: Me, 73 years old, in 2013.)

Noting the above, I am probably the only PC-based editor of technical manuscripts in the world, from draft to final edit before final printing for submission of the manuscript.

I started learning how to use the desktop PC on 28 December 1985, when I also started editing my own works. From then on, no stopping me.

I passed the very first Civil Service exam in 1964 with a 80.6% grade. I must have been an excellent teacher because I taught myself my digital skills, up to and including desktop publishing magazines, journals, and books – completely from draft upon draft up to the point of producing a portable document format (pdf), the pdf file being the one to bring to the printing press (now print-on-demand) for producing submission, distribution or commercial copies.

Repeat: I have been a very good teacher teaching myself my digital skills – and to think that I graduated from college 10 years before the friends Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak invented the personal computer in 1975!

Here’s what I do: I edit the technical manuscript completely at first. Then I edit again, the second time. Then I edit again, the third time. Then I send you the “finished product”. I charge you once while I edit many times, charging no extra fee.

Technical editing is a time-consuming process – I am a very patient man when it comes to writing and editing.

I am The Editor In Chief you may not have encountered and ready to serve, digitally. Try me: You send me a complete digital draft copy of your manuscript (thesis or paper) and I will give you editorial comments – free! (PM me for my email.)

As Editor In Chief, I have (1) Mastery of English, American idiom; (2) Mastery of the major parts of a technical manuscript; (3) Mastery of MS Word for editing & formatting & layouting images & tables – I have much experience and more patience in editing over and over again!@517


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