19 January 2024

2-in-1 USANA: Bright/Not So Bright Idea! “A Magazine For Customers, Or For Sales Agents? Asking As Friend!” – The Editor In Chief

Above, you are looking at the covers – plural, yes – of the exact same issue of the USANA Philippines magazine, “Volume 1 2021 Issue” – all of 68 pages; p1-35 for cover 1, p1-33 for cover 2. But what was the bright idea behind?

Whoever s/he was, the USANA book thinker/Manager:
Tried to think/produce USANA to please the staff of USANA Philippines.
Did not think/produce USANA to attract the customers of USANA. Sayang!

I am saying all that as The Editor In Chief with 38 years of experience in writing, editing, publishing newsletters, journals and magazines in and out of the campus of the world-class University of the Philippines College of Agriculture (UPCA, now UP Los Baños):

Non-digital 1975-1980: For the Forest Research Institute (FORI) (now Ecosystem Research & Development Bureau, ERDB), where I fathered the well-liked FORI 3: monthly newsletter Canopy, quarterly technical journal Sylvatrop, and quarterly color magazine Habitat.

Self-learning digital 1985: At Farming Systems & Soil Resources Institute (FSSRI) of UP Los Baños (UPLB) – Thanks, FSSRI!

Fully digital 2007-2014: Writer From Home (WFH) for International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) – for the WFH, thank you, ICRISAT Director General William Dar!

Astoundingly digital 2003-2008: For the Philippine Journal of Crop Science owned by the Crop Science Society of the Philippines, based in UP Los Baños. – as a one-man-band The Editor In Chief, I made the PJCS up-to-date in 3 years and in the next year included in the elite list called “ISI.”

With all those credentials, now I say about the USANA Philippines magazine:

“Better luck next time!”

USANA Philippines, The Editor In Chief is now telling your Editor/Non-Editor that among other things, the magazine should have right below the title your company slogan addressed to customers big or small – oh, you do not have a slogan! Pity. The Editor In Chief can help you come up with one, if you ask him.

Yes, why don’t you and I come up with a proper magazine for USANA customers of all kinds? All-digital, yes.

My credentials:

8 books authored for ICRISAT based in India;

5 books authored or edited and desktop published by me in the Philippines;

22 issues of the PJCS owned by the CSSP based at UPLB campus, with me as the one-man band rewriter, desktop publisher, and Editor In Chief. How good was I there? I made the PJCS up-to-date in 3 years from being late 3 years – and in the next year put it in the international elite list called “ISI,” now called “Web of Science” – meaning, it was now world-class. (Come to think of it: Should be included in the Guinness Book of World Record!)

What am I driving at now? Here’s my USANA Philippines offer – let you and I come up digitally with an USANA thick book featuring all kinds of products and all kinds of customers here and abroad. And/Or the USANA products that are likely fit for a tropical country like the Philippines.

USANA, o sana!@517

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