24 January 2024

Digital Is My (Whole) World Now – I Pity Those Who Are Not Digital, So At Your Service!

Young at heart (and mind) if not in body, at 83 (Sept 17), I am very happy to announce to the world what keeps me going (aside from the grace of God), is that I know, as a fulfilled digital person, in self-advertisement I have a handful of abilities to offer the world: digital writing, editing & desktop publishing. I provide some details below. 
(“Digital man” from freepik.com)

Now then, here are “Frank's 5 Digital Talents For Hire” – what I have to offer the universe of information, journals, knowledge banks, media, publications, research reports and science books – these 5 personal computer-based expertises (close to genius):

(1) Digital Writer From Home (WFH)

I have been available as a digital writer from home, semi-officially, since the year 2007, when William Dar, Filipino agriculturist, was already on his 7th year as Director General (DG) of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), appointed me as WFH for ICRISAT. I created and maintained the blog “iCRiSAT Watch” and at the end of 2014, when Mr Dar had to retire as DG after 3 terms, ICRISAT had published 7 books of mine based on the articles in my blog. (And oh yes, I am a self-taught digital writer from home.)

(2) The Editor In Chief (TEIC)

Born in 1940, and self-taught in digital works, I say age does not matter when talent is concerned, especially digital talents (plural). At 63 years of age, in 2003, I was hired as The Editor In Chief of the triannual Philippine Journal of Crop Science (PJCS), which was then 2 years late in its issues: 2001 and 2002. As a one-man digital band, with Teodoro C Mendoza as Chair of the International Board of Editors, I singlehandedly made the PJCS up-to-date in 2006, meaning I worked double time – and in 2007, made the PJCS included in the coveted elite international journal list called “ISI” (now “Web of Science”). All this should be in the Guinness Book Of World Records!

(3) Blogger

As you can see, I continue to blog today that which I began to do sometime in the year 2000 with the digital publication “The American Chronicle” (since extinct, sorry!). As of today, I have blogged at least 40,000 essays of different lengths, mostly on the wide subjects of Agriculture, Editing and Publishing.

(4) Apostle of Regenerative Agriculture (RA)

I Filipino am one of the world’s persistent pursuer of Regenerative Agriculture (RA), a component of Regenerative Capitalism (RC) (see my 16 Jan 2024 essay, “How Good Is ‘Sustainable Capitalism’ AKA ‘Creative Capitalism’ Vs ‘Regenerative Capitalism’?” Communication for Development of Vibrant Villages (ComDev2), blogspot.com).

(5) Persistence in “Communication for Development of Vibrant Villages (ComDev2)

To simplify, I now say: “If your agriculture does not bring about the continued cultivation of vibrant or vigorous villages, it’s capitalistic agriculture; it improves the lives of the capitalists while millions of farmers remain poor.”

Now then, how can I stop proselytizing for the tens of millions of poor Filipino farmers?@517


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