21 January 2024

HI (Hilario’s Intelligence), Or AI (Artificial Intelligence)? I Prefer The Originality Of My Human Intelligence!

Artificial intelligence (AI) is popular nowadays, and so we have an AI-built “ChatGPT” now being used even in classrooms by students themselves to produce their individual “homework.” Those students dare get away from cheating by claiming those were original works, that they wrote those themselves. So! AI is cultivating dishonesty beginning in the classroom! 
(“AI vs” from linkedin.com)

Therefore: AI is not intelligent at all?

Here is “Artificial Intelligence Vs Real Intelligence,” 15 Jan 2024, Facebook sharing by “lighthearted & Funny Humor:”

Human 1: “Are you concerned about the increase in artificial intelligence?”
Human 2: “No, but I’m concerned about the decrease in real intelligence.”

So! Noam Hassenfeld says, “Even the scientists who build AI can’t tell you how it works” (15 Jul 2023,  “We Built It, We Trained It, But We Don’t Know What It’s Doing,” Vox, vox.com).

I say, if you don’t know how AI works, you also do not know where AI will lead!

Anna Tong & Sheila Dang say, “Rapid AI Proliferation Is A Threat To Democracy, Experts Say” (09 Nov 2023, Reuters, reuters.com). Since time immemorial, there have been other threats to democracy, so I’m not worried about that.

Human 2 says he is worried about the decrease in the use of human intelligence (HI). Actually, the use of HI has been decreasing since teaching was invented. And so, today, we know only one kind of human intelligence, that which we call genius. And so we have only one measure of intelligence, that which we call the “Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Test.” We measure human intelligence by IQ results.

A teacher, I protest! In high school, I took the IQ test on a page of the Reader’s Digest and the result showed I was a genius myself. But what kind of genius? The IQ test didn’t know.

Today, following the theory of “Multiple Intelligences” (MI) by Harvard professor Howard Gardner, I believe that there are nine (9) human intelligences (geniuses):

1. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (“Body Smart”)
2. Existential Intelligence (“Life Smart”)
3. Interpersonal Intelligence (“People Smart”)
4. Intrapersonal Intelligence (“Self Smart”)
5. Mathematical-Logical Intelligence (“Number/Reasoning Smart”)
6. Musical Intelligence (“Music Smart”)
7. Naturalist Intelligence (“Nature Smart”)
8. Spatial Intelligence (“Image Smart”)
9. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence (“Word Smart”).

MI should be what the world is busy and happy about, not AI.

Each one of us can be smart one way or the other if one receives the proper smart training or guided experience. My children, Neenah Bonafe, Edwin Dante and Graciela Antonia all took their high school at the Cahbriba Alternative School in Los Baños, which was run by the couple Cielito & Pilar Habito using MI as the Cahbriba model of teaching.

As I can see in my children, MI discovers and nourishes the genius latent in each child, so that, “Walang bobo” (“Nobody is unintelligent”). Look at the above MI list again – Nobody is a fool; each one of us is smart one way or the other.

If you ask me, MI is a million times smarter than AI!@517

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