Surprise! I Roman Catholic since birth 84 years ago and an Internet hound in the last 34 years, today I find a kindred spirit in a foreign artist. I never knew that American singing legend Bob Dylan, whose songs I not only liked but loved, converted from unbeliever to Christian to Roman Catholic!
That is what I have so far gotten from the Facebook
sharing of National Catholic Register
(NCR) Wednesday, 29 Jan 2025: “Path To Faith” (Facebook). NCR says (
During a concert in San Diego in November 1978, a fan
apparently threw a small silver cross – a crucifix by some accounts – toward
Dylan onstage. He picked it up and kept it.
Two days later, in a hotel room in Tucson, Arizona, he
experienced a transformative spiritual experience, during which he says he felt
Christ visit him and physically place his hand on him. It kick-started a deeply
serious conversion to Christianity.
More, Wikipedia
says (
Bob Dylan (…With an estimated… more than 125 million
records sold worldwide, he is one of the best-selling musicians of all-time.
A wide reader and
an Internet hound in the last 34 years, I love Bob Dylan’s songs but I did not
know any of that said of him above!
Do you believe in Christ?
“Through many dark
hour I been thinkin’ about this / That Jesus Christ was betrayed by a kiss.” (With God on Our Side, 1964)
In addition to
biblical themes, Dylan has drawn directly on Catholic imagery as well:
“I can hear a
sweet voice gently calling / Must be the mother of our Lord.” (Duquesne Whistle, 2012)
In addition to
biblical themes, Dylan has drawn directly on Catholic imagery as well:
“My patron saint
is a-fighting with a ghost / He’s always off somewhere when I need him most.” (Abandoned Love, 1985)
“Ring them bells
for St Catherine from the top of the room / Ring them bells from the fortress
for the lilies that bloom” (Ring Them
Bells, 1989).
Bishop Robert
Barron of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester in Dylan’s home state, and a
Dylan devotee since the age of 14, has called the musician “one of the really
great spiritual figures of pop culture.”
Dylan’s most high-profile experience with Catholicism
came in 1997, when he accepted an invitation to perform before Pope John Paul II and 300,000 young
people at the International Eucharistic
Congress in Bologna, Italy.
John Paul… saw an opportunity to draw Christian wisdom
from Dylan’s lyrics. Addressing Dylan in front of the crowd, John Paul
reflected on (Bob Dylan’s) iconic “Blowin’ in the Wind.” Reflecting on the
song’s opening line, “How many roads must a man walk down / before he knows
he’s a man,” John Paul reminded the audience that there is only one road for
man: the way of Jesus Christ. Of the refrain (“The answer, my friend / is
blowin’ in the wind”), he gave encouragement to follow the “breath of life” of
the Holy Spirit.
Dear reader, are
you following the “breath of life of the Holy Spirit”?@517
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