19 February 2025

Why Do I Write Mostly For The 3 Million Filipino Farmers And Their Families?

"Online Farmers’ Markets” – that will be the day! Right now, a million or so farmers are on line for a 5-6, you know, you borrow five and you pay back six in a couple of months, no questions asked! An online farmers market is a dream! (image  from PhilStar, philstar.com)

i’m a blogger. “Filipino Writers” writes about “Three Topics You Can Write About” (18 Feb 2025, Facebook): (1) Climate Change, (2) Conflict, and (3) The Global And The Hyperlocal. Thank you for those tips, ladies & gentlemen, but I, I always write depending on my mood! (Well, I’m mostly always on the mood.)

if you talk about those millions of Filipino farmers, I’m always on the mood to listen – and then write.

We go back to Filipino Writers who writes on “three topics that you can write about”:

“Are you at a loss on which topics that you can utilize in your writing?

“Here's three of them…

“1. Climate change: Many publications both in the Philippines and in the world want strong works that focus on climate change (and climate action).

“It can be ... an entire novel or something that's in a different/experimental format altogether.”

“2. Conflict: … You can write a dramatic novel between two lovers separated by war. You can write about the fictional exploits of special operations operators, secret agents, and the common citizen…”

“3. The global and the hyperlocal: … It can be a love story between a Filipino man and a Dutch woman..., the struggle of a Filipino making it into the world stage…, or the intrigues of Filipino diplomats who try to secure Philippine interests abroad…”

“Obviously, (all) this is not the be-all and end-all for writing: Always write what your heart wants…”

I love that – “Always write what your heart wants.” Truth to tell, I do that all the time!

Most of all, I want to write about the 3 million or so Filipino farmers who are poor. As an agriculturist (UPLB 1965), I see little reason for their poverty outside technology!

And that hyper-enemy is? Chemical Agriculture! (CA). Just look at what our farmers are applying on their crops – chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides. These CA concoctions generate greenhouse gases (GHGs); in turn, the GHGs generate Climate Change!

Under Regenerative Agriculture (RA), I know 13 ways farmers can work out their lands and profit from it much – and the climate will profit much more because there are no GHGs formed by their farming:

(1) Cover Cropping, (2) Crop Rotation, (3) Farm Crops + Tree Crops (Agroforestry), (4) Green Manuring, (5) Intercropping, (6) Multiple Cropping, (7) No-Till Farming, (8) Organic Fertilization, (9) Ratooning, (10) Rotational Grazing, (11) “Three Sisters” Planting, (12) Trap Cropping, and (13) Trash Mulching.

How do farmers profit from any of these 13 methods? The cost of farming under RA is way, way below the PH10,000/ha under CA. Since there are no GHGs formed, I surmised that if the whole world suddenly practiced RA, Climate Change will be gone in 7 years!@517

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