27 March 2020

Covid-19 Considered, Let The People Go! – Jun AV Revilla

On Facebook, Forester Jun AV Revilla shares his thoughts on the coronavirus lockdown in the Philippines (below, with minor editing). I agree 100%! If he were a she and more religious and healthier, I can imagine Jun climbing to Peak 2 of Mt Makiling (original image from Wikipedia[1], chains image from Ruth Lindsay[2]) and shouting: 

“Du30, Let my people go!”

I am reminded of the song “Let My People Go” – here are the lyrics (from Fandom[3])

When Israel was in Egypt land
Let my people go!
Oppressed so hard they could not stand
Let my people go!
Go down, Moses
Way down in Egypt land
Tell old Pharaoh
To let my people go!

I don’t know if Jun has among friends, acquaintances, or connections, someone he can call to call on President Rodrigo Roa Duterte to say:

No more lockdowns.
Let my people go!
“If not, I’ll smite your first-term dead!”

Thus, with the Lockdown, and with Jun AV Revilla’s words, the prospects are there to shout, “Let my people go! If not, I’ll smite your second-term dead!”

The reality is that Jun said in his Facebook sharing:

The death of a Los Baños patient who was diagnosed with Covid-19 (after death?) underlines the reality that we simply don't have the resources to test and treat Covid-19 patients!!!

When you hear of a death from a virus that all media are portraying as quite deadly, you start worrying about yourself. And yet, Jun says:

It also means that the virus has been in town for several days and will now spread through the local people, with lockdown or no lockdown!!! So, what for are lockdowns? Buy time for what? Delay the inevitable and provide people some psychological relief, and for government to show that they are doing something (for nothing)!? But, at what economic (production at a stand-still) and social costs (hunger/anger/...)...

Jun is saying that with the lockdown we are saving no lives and wasting so much of our economic resources. (Not to mention ignorantly spending on social costs.)

Realistically, with our meager resources, the country can't do much about Covid-19! Let the people go on with their lives but practicing safety protocols...

“Let the people go on with their lives!”

Yes, the people can practice safety protocols even while they go with their lives as before the lockdown.

We must also realize that the poor shall bear the brunt of Covid-19. I can only sympathize and empathize with them. This is going to be true all over the world...I am terribly sorry but we need to be realistic, the sooner the better!!!

The poor will suffer more than the rich – have not the poor suffered much already in this have-nots-have-lots country of ours?

Jun says, “This is going to be true all over the world.” I say, let us allow and help the people to resolve the poverty of their pockets while we resolve the poverty of our health. The poor owe it to themselves – we owe it to the poor!@517

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Makiling
[3] https://lyrics.fandom.com/wiki/Paul_Robeson:Go_Down,_Moses

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