27 March 2020

Cultivating Your Creativity – The High 5 Isms For High Creativity

Yes, you have to cultivate creativity in the garden of your mind. Figuratively. And? Literally!

Do not wait for seeds to grow – instead, sow some, nurture and watch them develop! The “Creativity” image (from Creative Educator[1]) is playful; I love it. Creativity is being playful, not faithful!

Do you know how Albert Einstein discovered the Theory of Relativity? Insight. You stimulate that with your creativity. He says, “To stimulate creativity, one must develop the childlike inclination for play.” If you need only one secret to creativity, that’s it: “childlike inclination for play.” Now, that’s from the German genius, whom you did not realize was creative!

I am now 79, thank God! The Ilocano genius. Above, look at my PC setup at home. So, do you need a PC setup like mine to be creative? No. For many years, I have been very creative with only a laptop – with an external keyboard. The full keyboard is for ease of typing – I can type very fast, without looking at the keyboard.

The genius that you are, you must love writing as you love life. I love not Indian mystic Osho but what he says:

To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.

They are those bringing out a little more music, a little more poetry, a little more dance –Creatives are blessings in this life!

Why am I writing this? Today, Thursday, 26 March 2020, on Facebook Edsel De Leon Natividad tells me: “I envy your ability to write, Sir, especially at times like these.” I am an Ilocano, an original aboriginal, always. So, to help those who are dry-as-summer, here are my original “High 5 Isms For High Creativity”:

(1) Optimism.
I am an eternal optimist. I always expect, or I always try to look for something beautiful in anything, in everything – beyond itself. “The chief enemy of creativity is good sense” – Pablo Picasso. And so I am always thinking of things that are not logical, not reasonable, are wild, crazy – and that is why I am so creative!

(2) Internationalism.
You have to be aware of what’s happening outside your country, outside your own native land, outside your own habits and prejudices. This is a necessary avenue to travel to grow intellectually, and creatively.

(3) Enthusiasm.
“Curiosity killed the cat” – you’re not a cat! So, always behave like a cat if you want to be continuously creative.

(4) Encyclopedism.
Read, read, read! Read everything, including the fish wrapper. Don’t choose your reading material. “If you are not careful,” says the joker, “you will learn something.”

(5) Trumpism.
My invention: Trumpism means making a decisive or advantageous move. 7 moves in fact! Read “The Secret Of Writing Is Not Writing – Frank H, An Ilocano Blogger Creative At 79[2].”

Always and ever, practice #3.@517

[1] https://creativeeducator.tech4learning.com/2016/articles/cultivate-your-creativity
[2] https://frankhtheblogfather.blogspot.com/2020/03/the-secret-of-writing-is-not-writing.html

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