14 April 2020

Intuition Is How You Can Become The Best You Can Be, Working With Words & Ideas

A great many columnists & journalists come up with negative stories from A to Z. It’s true abroad; it’s true in the Philippines. It’s not that they are not intelligent – it’s just that they are not using their heads!

They are not using their intuition to come up with great stories or columns. “Intuition is the highest form of intelligence.” If journalists don’t show intuition, it’s because they don’t cultivate it!

Workers of the word, unite!
You have nothing to lose but
your chains, imprisoned as you are
with your lack of imagination!

Who am I writing about intuition, what credentials do I bring to this discussion? Thousands of intuitive pieces of writing already blogged. Visit my blog A Magazine Called Love[1], and count more than two thousand (2,000+) essays, each a minimum of 1,000 words; another blog, Creative Thinkering[2], has 1,000+ essays of similar lengths.

I have been writing on many different topics, each essay based on Internet information and my instinct – I will now equate instinct with intuition.

Creative thinking is you seeking intuition, or allowing intuition to find you. Not critical thinking. Self brainstorming is thinking blank until an Aha! Moment comes along. Group brainstorming is everyone thinking, inspiring each other in an atmosphere of friendship.

The above superimposed image is from Oprah.com on the “The Science Of Intuition[3]” “When to Listen to Your Gut...and When Not To.” Oprah’s “Yes!” image[4], I cut out the right part, that of a man, because it confuses the “yes” of intuition with the “yes” of a woman to a man.

Yes, according to Oprah; No it’s not, this intuitive writer is telling her – and no, there is no science to intuition – that’s a contradiction!

How can I teach what I “know” all about intuition when no one teaches it in school? Even Bruce Kasanoff’s 600-word article “Intuition Is The Highest Form Of Intelligence[5]” in the 21 February 2018 issue of Forbes.com, does not tell us how to cultivate intuition! 2018? It’s an old lesson we have yet to learn.

What did the genius Albert Einstein say about it? “The only real valuable thing is intuition.” And: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

Intuition is the exact opposite of rationalization. With yourself or a group, brainstorming will bring out someone’s intuition, or insight. If not? It’s not true brainstorming.

Currently, I blog 2 essays a day, exactly 517 words each – original, informative, interesting. How can I do that, at 79? Intuition invoking intelligence!

I’m talking to you: auto/biographer, columnist, journalist, lecturer, preacher, speaker, writer of nonfiction. With me as mentor, you can learn invoking your intuition all the time, painlessly. Enroll in my digital class, via email, learning as you write along. P2,500 for 10 days. I guarantee you will become 10x better in writing! Email me at frankahilario@.gmail.com.@517

[1] https://amagazinecalledlove.blogspot.com/
[2] https://creativethinkering.blogspot.com/
[3] http://www.oprah.com/spirit/the-science-of-intuition/all
[4] http://www.oprah.com/spirit/the-science-of-intuition/all#ixzz6Ee2hMzvJ

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