15 April 2020

“We Are Counting On The Media” – William Dar. “If We Can Teach Old Dogs New Tricks!” – Frank A Hilario

Saw this 03 March 2020, on Facebook shared by Secretary of Agriculture William Dar/Manong Willie – worth sharing still because it’s an unfinished story (source of image above):

Agriculture Secretary William Dar today shared with the editors and reporters of the Philippine Daily Inquirer the latest updates on the agriculture sector in the country.

The agri chief presented the Department's new thinking for agriculture, emphasizing that agriculture is not a stand-alone production machine but an industry inherently linked to the other sectors of the economy…

"We are counting on the media to help us continue to educate our stakeholders, particularly the farmers and fishers," (he said).

Among the 14 present during the meeting were Raul Palabrica, Editorial Board Chair; Volt Contreras, Executive Editor; RobertAbano, National Editor; and Oliver Teves, Desk Editor.

This was only the beginning of a series of media visits. Manong Willie said, "We are counting on the media." More than 1 month later, it’s now 15 April 2020, when PH media comes up with a story on PH Agriculture – it’s usually in the negative!

No, I am not going to blame our journalists – I am going to blame their schools or colleges or, more accurately, their instructors or professors in development communication, journalism, or mass communication, public or private.

If you are a journalist or a columnist, you must be patriotic.
You must also be a THINKing journalist!

No, the men & women of media in our country are not deaf. But they are only one-sighted: They seek the Truth and nothing but the Truth – the Truth that Hurts, not Helps! They are simply following their Tutors or Mentors.

We must Unteach our journalists Truth Journalism.
We must Teach our journalists T.H.I.N.K. Journalism.
Where Truth is A Part, not The Whole.

Go find the Truth. Except that this is the Waterloo of journalists – they seek the Truth, the Bitter the Better! Don’t stop at the Truth – go look for more. Truth must be considered in a wider context. When journalists find out the Truth, they must consider next: Is it Helpful?

Again, the context must be not individuals but groups. Manong Willie said agriculture is an industry inherently linked with other sectors of the economy. Will the Truth Help people improve their lives?

So it is True and Helpful – is it Inspiring? It must be inspiring not only to one person, one family, but to many people, as many as in a village. Inspiration shared is inspiration multiplied.

If it is True, Helpful but not Inspiring, do you share it publicly? Only if you think it is Necessary, and you must measure that in terms of the public good.

Even if it were True, Helpful, Inspiring and Necessary but not Kind, you should not share it via your journalism!

That is T.H.I.N.K. Journalism. The term is mine, but I borrowed T.H.I.N.K. from Zig Ziglar. So, it is this American motivational speaker whom journalists should be learning from, from now on!@517

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