17 July 2022

Frank A Hilario, Your Digital FAH – Friend And Helper

Frank A Hilario is a 9-in-1 digital information specialist, from A to I: Author, Blogger, Communicator, Desktop Publisher, Editor in Chief, Forest-Conservation Advocate, Ghostwriter, Home-Based Information Editor, and In-House Editor-Publisher. All work-from-home (WFH). Friend, how may I help you?!

Since 2000, I have authored at least 13 books: 8 books for the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), 2 for UPLB Vanguards, 1 on Jose Rizal, 1 on UP Los Baños alumni, and 1 coffee-table book for Agricultural Credit Policy Council (ACPC).

Since 2000, I have blogged about 8,000 essays (about 8 million words), mostly on agriculture and related fields. 

In 1980, I invented the art & system of Communication for Development (ComDev); 40 years later, I transformed it into Communication for Village Development in the 21st Century (CoViD21). Today, Agriculture motivates me to do CoViD21.

Desktop Publisher(DTP) –
With MS Word, I can write, edit, desktop publish (DTP) a book singlehandedly, up to producing the portable document format (pdf) file that goes into commercial printing. The most dramatic DTP work I have done is the ACPC coffee-table book where I wrote the text, did the layout all by myself and contributed half of the photographs that went into the
book The Filipino Farmer Is Bankable (150 pages).

I have been editing manuscripts: theses (BS and Masters), dissertations (PhD), and technical papers for publication digitally in the last 22 years, mostly from students and professors of UP Los Baños, my alma mater – including from foreigners.

Editor in Chief
I have been Editor in Chief twice: for the Forest Research Institute
(FORI) 1976-1981, and the Crop Science Society of the Philippinesfor its journal Philippine Journal of Crop Science (PJCS) 2001-2008. For FORI, I was founder and Editor In Chief of the monthly newsletter Canopy, quarterly technical journal Sylvatrop, and quarterly color magazine Habitatthat I patterned after National Geographic. With the PJCS, I was a one-man-band digital Editor In Chief who brought that publication from being 3-years late to up-to-date until its inclusion in the international prestige list called “ISI” (now Web of Science).

Forest-Conservation Advocate
As you will note in my sharing on FORI above, I was Editor in Chief of the FORI publication Sylvatrop
that had the subtitle, “Philippine Journal of Forest Research” 1976-1980. The Style Manual was also my creation.

Already starting 46 years ago, in FORI (see above note), when I founded the monthly newsletter Canopy
and quarterly color magazine Habitat, when necessary, I filled up the pages by writing articles using pseudonyms!

Home-Based Ideas Contributor –
Just the other month, I helped a doctoral candidate do Internet research and write up a position paper on man-vs-woman politics.

In-House Editor-Publisher
All-digital in writing, editing and desktop publishing as briefly described above, I certainly can start and be the one-man Editor in Chief of a new/old regular publication in agriculture, or forestry, or village development in general.

Now then, who are you looking for today to engage for your information/communication needs? Choose your digital best Friend And Helper!@517

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