11 July 2022

Looking For An Editor? You Have A Manuscript That Needs Editing. My Advice: “Choose One Who Is Client-Friendly, Digital – And Has Many Years Of Experience!”

What type of manuscript/s do you have that need editing to be good, better, best – book, dissertation, journal-candidate, lecture, manuscript for publication, technical paper, or thesis? As an Editor in Agriculture and related fields, I can help you produce an A-1 manuscript very fast – given my 47 years of experience, and in the last 21 years all-digital. (I can also desktop-publish a whole journal issue, or a whole magazine, or a whole book, for you! I have excellent experiences with those.)

(Image sources: “Freelance Editor” from well-storied, well-storied.com; “Client Friendly” from client-friendly.co, client-friendly.co)

Your Editor must be one who is “client-friendly,” as according to client-friendly.co. Yes, hyphen is necessary; and co, not.com – 2 examples of good proofreading, which calls for wide knowledge of the subject matter, which you should look for in an Editor.

“I AM ADAM" – Here is a complete list of editorial services offered by Frank A Hilario as a one-man band digital wizard. Each ADAM’S service starts with your manuscript and ends with an edited, formatted, layouted (desktop-published) printable version – a full package of digital services from one digital editor whose kind is hard to find.

"I AM ADAM." All-Around Advanced Digital Assistant For Manuscript Management. I’m all personal computer (PC) editorial services, no personal meetings required – no printed manuscripts for me to edit by hand. I’m 10 times faster with the PC, and yes, I’m 100 times more accurate.

I have been an Editor of hundreds of manuscripts in Agriculture and related fields. Consider: 1976-1981, I was Founder & Editor in Chief of the Forest Research Institute (FORI) of its monthly newsletter Canopy, quarterly technical journal Sylvatrop, and quarterly color magazine Habitat. Note: Those were still typewriter & commercial printer years. And FORI became well-known and well-liked at the Los Baños Science Community as well as abroad among universities, where we had publication exchanges. The writing and editing have to be good to be liked.

To be a good editor, I have to know methodically my (American) English, a foreign tongue – and I have to be thorough and patient. Where did I get my patience in reading and re-reading and re-reading a manuscript, no matter how long it is? Innate gift and/or personal wish neither inherited nor imparted – my father Dionisio got only to Grade 3, my mother Sixta Agapitoonly to the Cartilla.

I would like to say now that I use my God-given & personally enhanced talents in writing & editing in science in American English to earn my keep, as well as help spread the good news of agricultural science to my countrymen – not to mention editing foreign students who study at UP Los Baños.

So, if you have problems with your manuscript, I can help you much!

My digital editing rates are? Secret! Email me your digital manuscript first, and then I will tell you how much I charge. No obligations. Facebook me for my email.

A freelance editor who is client-friendly? Yours truly!@517

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