10 July 2022

“Writer’s Champ Vs Writer’s Cramp” – You Are One Of Our Modern Indios Bravos If You Can Start – And Then Finish Writing Your Book!

In these unpredictable times, long after the Spanish conquerors called us Filipinos “Indios,” you have to be an Indian Brave if you want to write your autobiography or memoirs. Actually, your first problem is not these challenging times but the time you spend writing your book! Do you know how to spend it wisely? I doubt it.

This is an author of 20+ books – all of them written in drafts and finalized digitally – thank God, and Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniakfor the personal computer or PC! The image you see above is the cover of my Dec 2005 book titled “indios bravos! Jose Rizal as Messiah of the Redemption.” Singly, I believe Rizal was not after Revolution but after Redemption of the Filipinos from mental slavery.

Today, I am your Redeemer. I will redeem you from your writer’s cramp, your inability to write your book. I am your Writer’s Champ who guarantees you no Writer’s Cramp! What is a Writer-Editor with 50+ years experience and who published his own 20+ books good for? (No, age doesn’t matter! Thank God, I will be 82 in September.)

My very first advice to any author is: Use the PC, preferably a laptop; use Microsoft Windows & Office (MS Word).

To write down your thoughts when memories come anytime, use a cheap spiral notebook.

Remember these 2 things: You are the writer. I am the Editor. You will need an Editor like me if you want to finish your book – and love it yourself!

Remember, according to this Indio Bravo,  “The 3 Rs for Writing Your Book” are:
Recall, Review, Rewrite.


Recollect first. Everything you recollect: Type, type, type!

Save each file using the first 5 words you type – you don’t have to think hard for a “nice” filename – you are not after filenames but recording your memories.

Do not add to the file after you have saved it. If you open it again, you will be tempted to revise it – bad for continuing to recall.

Copy all files to a flash drive, for safekeeping.


When you can hardly recall anything else, it’s time to look at the saved files, one by one, just read – then type out the outline of your book. You will review your saved files and organize/reorganize them according to your outline.


Then go ahead and rewrite.

As you begin to rewrite – send me the draft!

Never mind the grammatical and factual and sequential errors.

This is where you begin to need editorial guidance. The very first thing I will do is scan your very rough draft to “get the feel” of it all, so that I will know how to advise you to improve it, and where. Unless you are an Undiscovered Exceptional Author, you will need my 50-year old editorial advice before you go on after your recollection.

Meanwhile, finish your Recall. When you are ready for Review, you can then call yourself, “Indio Bravo!”@517

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