20 December 2022

My “Hybrids Zero-8” Challenge To Any Philippine Hybrid Rice Company To Fund My Reinvention Of The Rotavator

Continuing my Hybrids Zero-8 Challenge – I call now on any hybrid rice company in the Philippines to fund my reinvention of the off-the-shelf locally available rotavator to produce a PH hybrid rotavator that guarantees farming low cost & high returns. Right now, with my strict instructions for operation, an off-the-shelf rotavator can automatically create an “organic mulch” and spread it all over the field – no fertilizer necessary, no organic fertilizer to apply, and no further cultivation after that single rotavation!

The other day, Monday, I blogged “PH Hybrid Rice Companies – Challenge For You To Fund A Central Luzon Techno Demo With FAH As Project Leader Using His ‘Hybrid Rotavator’” (The Editor In Chief, blogspot.com). I am offering more details in this essay.
(“Rotavator” from shutterstock.com)

My “label” of the accompanying image in that earlier essay says it all:
“Hybrid Rice + Hybrid Rotavator = Super Rich Harvests!” – Frank A Hilario.

In an Indian blog, m.i.t.r.a. tells us “How to Use Rotavator Machine and Its Benefits” (mitraweb.in, also source of “Rotomaster” image).

m.i.t.r.a. says, “A rotavator [cuts into] the soil… allowing everything planted to thrive.”

I say, “A rotavator breaks the soil, to enable it to ‘breathe’ and therefore allows your crops to grow roots and prosper.”

m.i.t.r.a. says, “The dividing of soil churns and aerates the soil, [producing] a more fertile growing climate.”

I say, “The rotavator digs up and aerates the soil, good for crops growing.”

m.i.t.r.a. says, “Before rotavating new ground, you must eliminate any weeds a couple of days ahead of time.”:

I say, “Eliminating the weeds is a waste of a natural resource for enriching the soil! My hybrid rotavator is designed to automatically cut simultaneously the soil and weeds together and spread the mix all over the field. This creates a natural organic mulch!

m.i.t.r.a. says, “If you rotavate through weeds, they could get caught in the Rotavator tractor [blades] and spread around the land.

I say, “Precisely! That’s the whole point of proper rotavation – producing that organic mulch. My hybrid rotavator cuts into the soil and weeds, mixes them, and spreads the mixture on the field in one rotary motion – and repeats and repeats.”

m.i.t.r.a. says above the “Rotomaster” image: “Best Soil Pulverization.”

I say, “If you don’t go beyond pulverizing your soil with your rotavator, you are missing the hidden virtue of that machine!”

m.i.t.r.a. says, “Using [the rotavator] can benefit you like it can help the soil level the ground and drain away any water that is [excessive on] the surface.”

I say, “What m.i.t.r.a. misses is that the purpose of rotavation is not so much to level the ground as to enrich it with organic matter from the weeds (and any crop refuse left after harvest). Yes, the excess water will go.”

I am speaking from the decades-long rotavator experience of my brother-in-law Lorenzo Casasus in my hometown Asingan, Pangasinan. He had been using my personal strict rotavator instructions. (See my 2018 essay, “The Lesson of the Rotavator,” Organic Country, blogspot.com).@517

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