27 January 2024

You Writing Manuscripts, Editing & Publishing, All-Digital Is Best – Frank A Hilario Is All-Digital!

In the world of manuscripts – theses, papers to present and/or submitted for publication, publishing a book, journal or report – all-digital is best. That is a sum of my actual manuscript experience in the last 48 years, since 1975, when the Forest Research Institute (FORI) hired me, and by the time I left FORI in 1980, I had become the creator and The Editor In Chief of 3 FORI publications: monthly newsletter Canopy, quarterly technical journal Sylvatrop, and quarterly color magazine Habitat. Those were typewriter days. I loved them! (Note: Past tense.)

A great many years later, I myself experienced the happy power of the digital world starting in 2007 when William Dar, Director General of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), based in India, hired me as a Writer From Home (WFH). I did that by writing for my dedicated ICRISAT-only blog, “iCRiSAT Watch.” I was WFH until 2014 when Mr Dar had to retire from ICRISAT. By that time, I had desktop-published 8 books and ICRISAT did publish 7 of them. The first book was “Team ICRISAT Champions The Poor,” my title. (Mr Dar was so good a DG and that is why ICRISAT honored him with 3 terms of 5 years each!)

Nota Bene: I was already all-digital in those years, 2007-2014 – I did all my writing, editing, blogging, desktop publishing with Microsoft Word, starting with Microsoft Word 2007, if I remember right. In the above image, it says, “Word 2016: Insert and Format Graphics.” I have always done that. And oh yes, I am using Word 2016 right now – I have been using the different versions of MS Word since 1988 (if I remember right), with all their shortcuts and stuff.
(“Word 2016” from youtube.com)

My actual field experiences:

Editor In Chief: 1975-1980, Forest Research Institute (FORI), 3 publications: newsletter technical journal, and color magazine.

Writer, Editor & Desktop Publisher (WFH): 2007-2014, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), 8 books

Editor In Chief: 2003-2008, Philippine Journal of Crop Science (PJCS) – from being late 3 years, FAH brought it to up-to-date in 3 years (2003-2006), and ISI (Web Of Knowledge) 2007.

Why have I not been using the dedicated desktop publishing (DTP) software like Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Publisher? Because I found, already in 2007 (that’s 16 years ago) that MS Word had all the friendly features (and commands) I needed to write, edit, create & insert & format graphics etc that I needed to desktop-publish a whole issue of a magazine or a whole book.

How popular is Word 2016 anyway in the world? I just googled for “Word 2016” and Google said, “About 3,630,000 results (0.34 seconds).” That’s 3.63 million results. Word 2016 was released in 2015, and there had been many versions afterwards, but with Word 2016, I can work wonders!

What can I do for you with Word 2016?

(1)          Write/blog for you.

(2)          Edit your articles, publications, theses etc.

(3)          Publish your book.

Facebook chat me for my email.@517

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