25 March 2024

Pope Francis Revolutionizes The Ten Commandments As He Simplifies And Thereby Amplifies Them!

As I a member see it, the Roman Catholic Church, which is as old as the 1st Century AD, has been rebirthed by its Head, Pope Francis, if unintentionally, 7 years ago yet when he declared, according to the website “Cool Catholics” (coolcatholics.org), which I found out today, Monday, 25 March 2024: “15 Acts of Charity As A Concrete Manifestation Of Love.” The source says, “The season of Lent is not about being less – fasting and abstinence, but [more] of being more – prayer and charity (love). Pope Francis proposes these 15 simple acts of charity as concrete manifestations of love this Lent.”

Pope Francis’ list, dated 03 March 2017, comprises the following, copied verbatim:
(“Simple Acts Of Love” image from ebay.ph)

1.   SMILE. A Christian is always cheerful.

2.   Say THANK YOU for little things (even if you don’t have to).

3.   Remind others how much you LOVE them.

4.   GREET with joy the persons you see every day.

5.   LISTEN to other people’s stories without prejudice, and with love.

6.   STOP to help. Pay attention to whoever needs you.

7.   Try to RAISE the spirits of people around you.

8.   CELEBRATE the qualities or success of others, thus avoiding envy or jealousy.

9.   SORT OUT the things you no longer use or need, and give them to those in need.

10.        Be ready to HELP when you are needed so that others may rest.

11.        GIVE CORRECTIONS with love; do not keep quiet out of fear.

12.        Maintain good relations with those around you.

13.        Keep clean the things you use in the house.

14.        HELP others overcome obstacles.

15.        CALL, and call on, your parents more often.

Perhaps Pope Francis did not intend to, but if you ask me, those “15 Acts Of Charity” reduces the terror that the “The Ten Commandments” evoke (this list from Our Lady Of Sorrows – St Anthony (ols-sa.org):

1.   I am the Lord, thy God. Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.

2.   Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

3.   Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.

4.   Honor your father and your mother.

5.   You shall not kill.

6.   You shall not commit adultery.

7.   You shall not steal.

8.   You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

9.   You shall not cover your neighbor’s wife.

10.        You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.

Today, as I compare with Pope Francis’ list, I see what’s “wrong” with those Ten Commandments is that, except #3 and #4, they are all stated in the negative!

In contrast, Pope Francis 15 acts of love are all stated in the positive! They all encourage, not discourage, everyone of us. They are by themselves statements of love intended to move the world positively.

What’s more, with Pope Francis’ list of 15 acts of love, membership in a specific church or congregation or group is not a requirement – while the constant & consistent practice of charity is quite necessary. I love Pope Francis!@517


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