13 January 2023

UP System Sleeping With Science? Slipping, Yes!

Is the University of the Philippines System – “UP System” (also simply referred to as “UP”) – indolent in disseminating its own scientific researches & technologies via its own publications? Yes. Unfortunately, The UP System is a Lazy Juan! The proverbial “Juan Tamad.” Slothful. I am saying that as an alumnus who differently learned his writing, editing, publishing, up to digital communication, on his own, teaching himself, beginning when I was in high school in the mid-1950s. UP is not teaching itself & practicing digital abilities! UP must prove its own intelligence by teaching itself!

The 8 component universities of the UP System, from UP Baguio to UP Mindanao, conduct researches for development (R&D) incessantly, but publish results infrequently, even none, zero. Shame on all of UP!
(Images: “Sleeping” from TED, ted.com,
UP logo from ovcaa.upd.edu.ph)

There are 8 UP components: UP Baguio, UP Cebu,, UP Diliman, UP Los Baños, UP Manila, UP Mindanao, UP Visayas, and UP Open University (UPOU) – and each one of them is niggardly publishing its own scientific & technological findings & recommendations!

I have written:
(1): 02 May 2020, “UP System Is NOT Contributing To The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) According To 2022 Times Higher Education (THE) World Ranking – As An Alumnus, I Ask, “Is UPLB Concerned?” (The Editor In Chief, the-editor-in-chief.blogspot.com);
(2) 16 Aug 2020, “University Of The Philippines ‘Sleeping with Science’” (The Editor In Chief, the-editor-in-chief.blogspot.com); and
(3) 17 Aug 2020, “Sleeping With Science, 2. Waking Up DoST From Its Rip Van Winkle Slumber On Science Stories!” The Editor In Chief, the-editor-in-chief.blogspot.com).

Today, I will explain the Rip Van Winkle-like sleep of the UP System as neither the indolence of the Indios nor the absence of desire to publish, but the absence of digital expertise to publish! The Editor In Chief should know – you cannot cope with the demands of publishing if you do not know digital desktop publishing (DTP)!

No, I don’t have a school for teaching young staff to do DTP for technical journals – but as a UPLB alumnus, I am volunteering to help even as I recommend right now that the UP System set up a special institute for digital works within the UPOU, without restricting age, background, or experience. I will now call the special institute the:

University of the Philippines Institute of Digital Expressions of Available Science (UP iDEAS).

UP iDEAS is where old and young geniuses can learn and then show digital mastery and then some… from typing drafts to formatting texts & paragraphs, from column assigning to sectioning, from working with graphs & diagrams & photographs – the works!

(I just saw online a UPLB journal whose latest issue is almost 5 years old – March 2017! There is no publishing mindset within UP Los Baños? My alma mater!)

We need UP iDEAS! That institute would educate anyone interested physically but mostly virtually, with scientific knowledge easily recorded, reported, published and circulated in newsletters and journals – there would be born a mental scientific culture within the UP System, inspiring & instructing everyone. “Push on UP and go into Win!”@517

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