10 September 2024

On My Birthmonth, September – I’m Encouraging People To Think, Believe & Behave Better For Themselves – And For The World!

I was born in September 8 decades ago in my hometown Asingan, Pangasinan – not really that “the best people are born in September” as DarlingQuote puts it (darlingquote.com), but I am the best I can be, thank God! With personal efforts and prayers to God, yes!

I have a great many blogs; suffice to see/visit any or better just these 4:

(1)   Communication For Development Of Vibrant Villages” (ComDev2) (blogspot.com) – To think about & act for the good of people in Agriculture.

(2)   Regenerative Agriculture, Help! 13” (blogspot.com) – To think about & act for better practices in Agriculture.

(3)   SHeLF. She/He Self-Help Farming” (blog/posts) – To think about & act for self-help in Agriculture.

(4)   The Editor In Chief” (blogspot.com) – To think about and act for higher-quality theses, journals & scientific publications in Agriculture.

In this my birthmonth, September, I am expressing publicly my great thanks to the Lord for guidance in my self-discovered and self-developed talents for manual/typewriter writing & editing, “graduating to” self-taught digital writing, editing, up to desktop publishing.

I discovered my love for writing by reading a great many of the classics in American and British literature in high school at Rizal Junior College (RJC) in my hometown Asingan, Pangasinan.

I did not have the chance to develop my writing ability in college, attending UP College of Agriculture (now UP Los Baños). It was when I was employed as a copywriter at the Pacifica Publicity Bureau of genius Tony Zorilla that I developed my sense of how to drive home a point. And my creativity was kindled brightly with the book gift of my Pacifica friend Orli Ochosa, Edward De Bono’s book Mechanism Of Mind. The power of creative thinking lies in anybody invoking De Bono’s “Po” – which posits that there are no negatives, only undiscovered possibilities for creativity!

I have created so many blogs over the last 24 years, if I remember right, that I don’t remember the first one. I remember, naturally, “ICRISAT Watch,” which I created when I became “Writer From Home” (WFH), my term, when William Dar was Director General (DG) of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT),  which was/is based in India. I maintained that blog from 2007 to 2014, the last year of Mr Dar’s 3 terms of 5 years each as DG of ICRISAT.

Oh, ICRISAT published 7 books of mine based on those articles in my blog – I have printed copies of those volumes, very valuable treasures of public service. It is that when Mr Dar became DG of ICRISAT, that institute was kulelat or at the bottom of the 15 international institutes that were members of the CGIAR Group. He brought it up in institutional performance that they kept him DG for 3 5-year terms until he had to retire!

Indeed, I write more for others than myself & family. Thank God, I do not have to retire from my writing & blogging – the pressure is mine; the pleasure is mine too!@517

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